sorry for the double post and if this has already been discussed but i would love to know the nature of you guys' day dreams. You dont have to be specific but say how your planned daydreams are different from the ones you suddenly find yourself in, if that happens to you. This is going to be long so if you dont want to read it you can just answer the question above.

I know that for me the fantasies i just find myself in arent that creative, they are just me turning my thoughts into an imaginary conversation with someone (not always even a particular person, sometimes its just a feeling of the presence of someone). In fact this is my form of thinking ALL THE TIME. I actually dont understand how normal people think. I once asked my friend (who is a very 'down to earth', busy and popular girl) how she thinks and she said that its not really in words but just in a feeling. It amazed me. I think my thoughts start off as a feeling but i have this urge so strong to act it out as a conversation. If im alone i almost always move my mouth and hands as if im actually talking and make it into a speech, sometimes repeating it several times until it has the most impact or i feel my emotion has been expressed. But how do normal people not do this? How do they express their emotions? How do they keep their thoughts as just feelings and not give them second attention? Anyways i just never heard this from anyone else and am wondering if anyone does it too? Is this a form of daydreaming? Because if it is, then im doing that ALL the time..i wouldnt even know how to stop. Sometimes ill tell myself, 'ok stop imagining youre in a conversation right now'...for a few seconds i can but my brain just goes blank, i literally dont know how to think without it. Then i get bored and without thinking about it i am back in the 'conversation'

My planned day dreams are the ones that sound more steriotypical with MD; i am a better version of myself in situations where i have chances to show off how perfect and interesting and beautiful etc i am. lol. like a common one for me is pretending that i am around celebrities or people in my life that i think are really cool. they can hear and see me talking but i dont even notice them. i am talking or doing something else with someone else (not specified usually) and those 'cool' people are just watching me do it. or ill be in a tv show or famous or really good at a certain sport or dance etc. Another common one is pretending im in a montage of stuff my friends have filmed me doing, sometimes im in slow mo and stuff like that lol. and its being shown in front of people and they all think im awsome and funny etc. A lot of times ill have talents in my fantasies like singing or dancing or sports or knowing languages that noone knows about until i suddenly bust it out and everyones impressed by it lol. i guess i have an extreme yearning to be noticed and approved of and loved. The only problem is i cannot obtain these in my real life because i dont even know how anymore...but thats another topic... 

My more productive ones are where im imagining a scenario that is directly related to something im feeling or thinking at that moment. like if im mad at someone ill imagine me yelling at them or being really mean, or if im in love ill imagine being all flirty with that person and ill learn something so it is sort of useful in a weird way. When it becomes stressful and counterproductive is when iit turns into pretending im back in time or around celebs or i have abilities that no one could have in real life. those are worthless because they dont end with me expressing anything...its just this meaningless pure hunger for approval and praise.

Also everything mentioned ill do in public too, minus the moving of hands and mouth/pacing etc. Although i have a feeling i make facial expressions without realising it and i kind of look dosed off...but i cant help it, the feeling is so strong! Sometimes ill see someone and ill pretend that they are watching me and ill imagine doing something i want them to see. does that happen with you guys too (daydreaming in public) or can you control it?

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This is me. LIKE EXACTLY ME.  You are definetly not alone.

Wow I feel like I just read a report about myself! Lol, you just described my types of daydreams perfectly! I also have a need for maternal attention and do I often imagine I am child and my 'mother' is the celebrity I happen to be fixated on at that time (it changes regularly).

I read your previous post too and as much as I enjoy MD, I do not think it is healthy at all and my real life is just ignored. I haven't made anything of my life, no great career, no relationship, no children and my social life too has been neglected, to the point where I am showing signs of social anxiety because I am spending so much time alone. MD has completely destroyed all elements of my real life, I don't have a life anymore. But despite this, I love MDing and I get depressed at the thought of it stopping. 

Read my previous post for more info, it's the one before yours.

Nic xx

Uncontrollable daydreams... I wake up in the morning and BAM--my characters are arguing over an affair. I'm reading the newspaper about a violent crime and BAM--my character is in a fight. I'm checking my e-mail and BAM--my character's face appears out of nowhere, and I start tweaking their appearance. I look at the living room couch and BAM--my characters magically appear sitting on it. I'm working on a Math problem and BAM--my characters start making out, lol! My characters are like excited children, as they can't wait to run out in front of me and interact with whatever I see. xD

As for my planned daydreams, I just research content for them and make up short stories. There's a lot of overlap, though... Like I'll spontaneously pick up where I left off in the story.

We have the same type of daydream, the approval-seeking daydream. In much of my fantasies, the cool folks watch me show off my intellect,  cuteness and feminine beauty on Youtube. Those are the three attributes I really want but don't feel that I have.... I notice that when I've fought the urge to daydream for a while, my self-esteem and self-confidence improves greatly because Perfect Paris isn't there to make me feel inferior.

i always wonder what normal people think about all day...

I can't plan anything. In fact, I often get surprised at things that happen in DD, usually just little things, like something funny or mean someone says. Sometimes, though, my I do things like meet celebrities (mostly Emilie Autumn, haha, I adore her!) But I don't plan that I'll meet them. the DD just changes into that (I think there's sometimes actually a pause, like I've taken out the last video tape/DVD and am putting a new one in to watch, or something)

The closest thing I have to a planned DDs is a trigger, like a song, show, book, etc that triggers a story line and then my mind just goes with it. I have very little control over anything in it. I also do it in public, there is hardly any time i am not DDing. I have just learned to function on less then full attention. Like the other day I was climbing the stairs at work, lost in a DD going really slowly then noticed a coworker holding the door for me at the top of the stairs, I hurried up and said something like "sorry I zoned out". embarrassing.  


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