I am so relieved to know I am not the only one who does this! I have wracked my brain for YEARS trying to figure it all out. I started with MDD around the age of 4. My parents fought a lot A(well my mom was always picking fights with my dad) then i witnessed an accidental shooting all before I was acyually 4! My question though, is... Does anyone find that they talk to their charachters out loud and have long deep conversations with them? I have been so paranoid that people will see me. I only do it in my home, but still! In the age of hidden cameras I have become paranoid :(
I am 42 years old now and can't believe I still do this! It's nearly constant. I dont have "conversations" too much anymore, but my charachters are always there. I am just curious what others experience when it comes to MDD in motion. Thanks for being there. I am so happy that we have all found eachother.
so glad you are here.im sue,im 41yrs old and lived with this since around 3/4 i think.like you i lived with trauma as a child(abuse),not from my parients but a so called family friend.
to answer your question,yes!
i talk to my characters aloud,i also play their parts/roles out loud,i sing,dance(even with myself as a couple),kiss and cuddle,anything i need to to make the scene real.
i understand the paranoia thing,i usually only do it out loud in home,but even then i have to have all windows shut and usually the back curtains closed and i tend to stay at that end.occasionally if im pacing or even running up and down the room our neighbour might see me whilst turning around on our drive.its pretty embarrasing.i often wonder what they think,lol.
another thing i notice is how angry or frustrated i can be if my hubby came home from work early.not always because he will catch me but maybe because i havent done the household stuff i should have etc.....oh well,we have been together almost 20yrs im sure he is used to me by now.
will go for now,but huge welcome its great to meet you.