Litterature , Art or Cinema that reminds you about daydreaming...?

Hello Wild minders :)

I hope that things are ok for you all. I wanted to open a forum about things that we see or read and that make reference or reminds us about our DD.

For example when i saw Fight Club the film of David Fincher, i made a link between the film and DD. I decided to open this forum cause i was reading " Ladders to fire "  a book by Anais Nin. 

There was a passage about DD and i really felt it explained daydreams in a manner that i can not explain.  So here is the extract: 

I was prone to the most excessive dreaming, of such intensity and realism that when I awakened I felt I lost an entire universe of legends, myths, figures and cities of such color that they made our room seem a thousand times more bare, the poverty of the table more acute. The disproportion was immense. And I’m not speaking merely of the banquets which were so obviously compensatory! Nor of the obvious way by which I filled my poor wardrobe. It was more than that. I saw in my dreams houses, forests, entire cities, and such a variety of personages that even today I wonder how a child, who had not even seen pictures, could invent such designs in textures, such colonnades, friezes, fabulous animals, statues, colors, as I did. And the activity! My dreams were so full of activity that at times I felt it was the dreams which exhausted me rather than all the washing, ironing, shopping, mending, sweeping, tending, nursing,dusting that I did...And by the way, there was a lot of confusion of places and methods of travel in my dreams, as there must be in the dreams of the blind. Do you know what I think now? I think what tired me was the intensity of the pleasures I had together with the perfect awareness that such pleasure could not last and would be immediately followed by its opposite. "

I would like to know what you think and also if you have other examples, would be nice.. I'am thinking to open kind of a "library of daydreams" with images and texts with the hope that this would lead me to understand why i daydream and maybe find a solution. I think we can make this library all together.. :) 

All the best.


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Thank you Hollie for contributing. Yes i've seen the film long time ago.. and i will watch it again. If you know other films or book let me know. :) i hope this disscusion will go on so we can make a list of " DD literature, cinema and art".  :)

Hollie said:

I've read this discussion a few times and I've suddenly thought of the film 'Pan's Labyrinth' written and directed by Guillermo Del Toro. I'm not sure whether I watched a dubbed or subtitle version (it's a spanish film) but it really reminds me of day dreaming as a child. Especially the parts with monsters behind magical doors. Great film I'd recommend it.

Do songs count?

Matchbox 20 - Unwell

Lacuna Coil - To Myself I Turned (This one prob describes Compulsive Fantasy the best)

Evanescence - Imaginary

I'm sure there's one or two more but I can't remember them.

Hello Wish upon a wish. Yes songs do count. :) Thanks for sharing. Listenin to them right now. :) 

Wish Upon A Wish said:

Do songs count?

Matchbox 20 - Unwell

Lacuna Coil - To Myself I Turned (This one prob describes Compulsive Fantasy the best)

Evanescence - Imaginary

I'm sure there's one or two more but I can't remember them.

I really liked the lyrics of Lacuna Coil and the song. If anyone is interested go check them..Cool song :)

Wish Upon A Wish said:

Do songs count?

Matchbox 20 - Unwell

Lacuna Coil - To Myself I Turned (This one prob describes Compulsive Fantasy the best)

Evanescence - Imaginary

I'm sure there's one or two more but I can't remember them.


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