Hi I'm a 16 year old who just discovered that I have maladaptive daydreaming. Since elementary school I have had these compelling and very detailed worlds that I would go into for a while and would always be throwing a ball against a wall in a trance for hours. At first I thought I just had a very vivid imagination as a child which is true but as I've gotten older and teens tend to not play pretend anymore I thought something was wrong with me. I have had this completely different life with many detailed characters, settings, ect since about 7th grade. (Prior to that I had a different world). I have gotten to the point now where I downloaded apps to design houses for my other world and even outfits also. Recently I told one of my friends about this other world before discovering I had maladaptive daydreaming because I thought I had something more psychological and a deep issue but after my research I'm fine with my daydreaming now and don't feel as guilty.
Hey same girl!! I'm 16 and just found this term, (along with this forum) the first term I came across was a paracosm, which would be the name for the world that I go into when I daydream. I've noticed some people don't have a paracosm but more just imagine themselves in different situations or worlds, but I have a whole storyline (which I've used for inspiration to write about) and it's pretty cool how many other people do these things.