. . . . I can't believe it, I finally found what I have.  I've been researching off & on for years to find out if there was a name for what I have, if there was anybody else like me or if I was just crazy.  I finally discovered it on the internet yesterday.  I literally began crying out of relief cause every single symptom they listed couldn't fit me more perfectly.  It was just like how my mother broke down crying out of relief because they finally made people aware of OCD/shed some light on it over a decade ago.... now I know EXACTLY how she felt.  I've had Maladaptive Disorder since I was 4 years old.  I've daydreamt 1/3 of my life away, nearly all of them negative daydreams.  If they're not negative, they're overly theatrical & ostentatious.  All of my daydreaming is quite complex & detailed, I am so involved in it.  I do it at any time, things like listening to music, reading, & writing trigger it more though.  I tend to do it excessively before I fall asleep.  Thank goodness my body doesn't act out physically in correlation with my daydreams though when other people are around, besides the rocking back & forth.  There are more details about my MDD but I'd rather not list it all here, that's for later.  I have mild OCD, moderate bipolar disorder, & severe ADD.  With some symptoms, It's difficult to tell when my ADD & MDD are overlapping each other though.  I hope we will make people, especially doctors very aware of this  & shed an ample amount of light on Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder ASAP. 

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Comment by Destiny Lund on September 12, 2011 at 9:21pm
I act out many movements/reactions, just not in front of others.  Yea, they have a way of luring U in.
Comment by Laila on September 12, 2011 at 9:00pm
Welcome to the site! Can't tell you how relieved I was too. I'm glad I also don't have the problem of acting out my daydreams, though sometimes I move my lips when no one is looking. At least I hope no one is. :P My daydreams also get more intense right before bed. I guess they're the reason why I can't sleep forever, but I can't help it! Needz them too much. xD
Comment by J Noland on September 12, 2011 at 7:17pm
Hello, I was so relieved to find these sites too. What a relief to know there are people who have been doing the exact same thing independently for years. I never though it was possible!

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