Mothy was a boyfriend I was with for about,... 7 to 9 months... I'm not exact on the numbers yet... He was the first person I ever told about my dermataliamania and my maladaptive day dreaming. The last person I expected to react positively to me, he just gave me a great big kiss and said, "I don't care if people put you in a crazy house, I'm just gonna end up in there with you!" (Yeah much of the things he would say sounds like this with lot more slur and pace!) so he accepted me as I was but I just couldn't accept him. He would take a little ride in my grandmother's van and sit in the back seat waiting for me to get in when I was a pfreshman, so he would see me walking with my friends down the hill to the pick up area. He was always so horridly jealous! One day he saw me walking with a guy (who he heard of from Mary) and I had just been talking to this guy when the van drove up. I got in and we drove home. Well, he just totally flipped the switch on me! He practically stood over my screaming at me like I was a child! So pushed to my limit with all of his jealousy and anger at the thought of me leaving him, I asked him what his big problem was. Surprise surprise, all his little fears and provocations came from one big hunk of beef, Mary. She told him that I didn't care about him(f), that he was a rebound bf(t), I was a W with the guys I walked with(f), I liked one particular guy(t) and Mothy was his replacement(f), and that I liked Mothy's money(f) (especially since his money is from his mommy who really liked me) anyways this all became a huge disaster that resulted in me leaving him, Mary failing at advancing with him, him never having a gf again:(, me having freedom later, and of course due to Mary's little relationship with his brother- Mary getting syphalis ended up having some of her fingernails split due to chancres on the tips of her fingers(her fingernails are still intact but every time I see the splits in her nails it grosses me out!) she's okay now and is doing well. GOD if I ever have to see those accursed fingernails again I'll puke!!! It makes me feel so glad that even the worst bf I ever had, was 5000 times more cleanly than myself! Anyway here was a part of who was Mothy... Hope you enjoyed this simple pervertion that is my pathetic life!
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