The Real Power of Daydreaming and how to control it.

We are usually told that daydreaming is a waste of time and energy and mental power etc... but the ability to daydream gives you flexibility in your daily lives.

Daydreaming isn’t a waste of time, as we’re often told, but the gateway to Creativity, Problem-Solving and even to the realisation of our Potential.

Let me be the example of this; I might be the most successful daydreamer on this site or maybe in the entire world. Because I managed to use it in the right way and that is why I can balance myself.

After learning that "our brains controls everything we do" and with my daydreaming combined, it makes me control my feelings 95% of the time. I forgot how to be angry because it's a waste of energy. I also forgot how to fall in love. I don't know why we should have girlfriends/boyfriends anymore. Because of daydreaming it teaches me how to love everyone and everything instead. And then it gives me ideas about how to stop hunger and then suddenly it went further I think I know how to stop hatred. From that point on, I realized how powerful daydreaming is. But looking back in our History, the war that is going on right now wont last long. So I thought I will stop the Hunger first.

Almost every daydreamer knew that Maladaptive daydreaming boost CREATIVITY and I don't really believe that not all daydreamer can do this. But to those who is not using their Daydreaming to Creativity will suffer from uncontrollable Anxiety and out-of-place self control that will lead into hurting one self or worst.

If you just know how to use your daydreaming everything will be fine... unless if you have an anxiety then that's a different story. I do have anxiety too but I can stop it if I'm going somewhere important.

If you want to have good control of your intense daydreaming then you have to learn about life first. You gotta stop lookin at one Tree... and start to see the whole Forest. Don't just think how messed up your life is right now, think that we exist without purpose that we have to create one for ourselves. "Life is not a process of discovery... it's a process of Creation." You have to decide and experience who you really are. Create it! My motto of my life is "I wanna do something big in my life before I die". We all gonna die in the end. We gotta start moving and do something. Let's Create something. Negative feelings and emotions are just waste of energy. You will get nothing from it. It wil only lead to more daydreaming.

I know this is not the strongest advice to how to control your problem but it worked on me.

One last advice: If you want to stop daydreaming, try to go outside and sit somewhere quiet and then close your eyes then THINK NOTHING. It's not easy but it's not hard either. Thinking nothing helps me to stop daydreaming. Your anxiety (if you have one) will also disappear. If nothing works then find something that works for you... isn't that what everyone says?

 Trust me... life is wonderful if you know how to live.

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Comment by Water Lily on December 6, 2014 at 9:58am

This post sounds great, but there is a lot I fundamentally disagree with in this post.

(1) "it makes me control my feelings 95% of the time". Feelings have a purpose and they shouldn't be avoided or forgotten. It's a part of human nature - we are biologically programmed to have feelings. For instance, fear evolved to help humans avoid predation. Hatred helped humans form protective family clans - stems from xenophobia. It's silly to try and negate feelings - better to learn to adapt them, use them as motivational tools.

(2) "I wanna do something big in my life before I die". How many funerals have you been to? Most people are pretty insignificant by the end of their lives...really only family come. Unless they die young...but I assume that's not what you had in mind? I think it's more important to value the little things and people who support and love you than to focus on having a "grand life moment". Just my opinion.

(3) In all, this advise is incredibly illogical. 

Comment by Floris on November 21, 2014 at 7:00am

"Life is not a process of discovery... it's a process of Creation."

Creation IS Discovery, Henry! Of the best kind. We're not supposed to experience wonder just about what is already there, but about the new things we create. This sets us apart from others.

Henry your advice about going outside thinking about depends on how deep the problem is, for it to go away. Some issues need to be adressed more strongly. In that case, letting go a thousand times will not help because it will come back 1000 times. It really needs to be faced. There is a mindful meditation for this, concentrating on a recurring problem and how you feel about it. I have only used it twice now but it helped me a great deal with insight, it's very powerful (you will cry).

Comment by Henry on November 17, 2014 at 9:04am

@Nicole J It means you are creative. That was one good of a Creative solving. Don't stop thinking about ideas. How about start creating things? Like for example one of my favorite but simple things I do to use my daydreaming to think of an idea about picture frames. 

You can make a 3D art in a picture frame. Or don't throw all the boxes and start making small houses and paste or tape it on your ceiling and maybe make a City in your entire ceiling .. Mine is not even finish (small houses on ceiling) because I'm pretty lazy. You can just try, it is so fun for most daydreamers.. especially the creative ones.

Comment by Nicole J on November 15, 2014 at 11:46am
I also use daydreams to manipulate my thoughts and control my feelings sometimes I go in my head and it's like my brain is a computer and I just need to reboot it or reprogram it then I feel better after ....usually I find a better way to cope with the problems I'm facing.
Comment by Nicole J on November 15, 2014 at 11:36am
Sometimes I just feel like I'm brain works so differently from everyone I have ever brain doesn't turn off I can't just think about nothing....and I only like certain people and those that I like are....interesting to me....I'm drawn to them because they are not like everyone else....I am constantly putting together ideas like puzzles in my head....ideas that go over everyone else's heads and then I feel like a crazy person....mostly I just block it all out as best I can and try to act "normal" the best I can....
Comment by Henry on November 14, 2014 at 11:09pm

@Source that's when the creativity will help you solve this problem but since you're not that creative you can't use your daydreaming and convert it to creativeness and make some "Creative Solving".

For 1 whole year, I was like you. This advice wont work on most DD.

Comment by Source on November 14, 2014 at 2:35pm
WARNING: Inconsistent insane rant wrapped in conflict. I just couldn't manage to hold it back, too much stress

All this doesn't help me. At all. I lost the only thing that kept me going because of daydreaming, it has its own will and makes its best effort to destroy my memories and replace them with its own. To me it's not useful, it's a disease that wants to burn my life fo ash and steal everything precious I have. In fact, it already did. So how can I believe that daydreaming helps in real life? You're basically saying that (in my case) I should 'forgive' this monster after what it did to me, without even knowing whether it will work, and it for sure won't work because I know what it wants, and if I let it free it will kill me eventually. And even if it works and I stop daydreaming things won't change, I will still be here with nothing to do, I won't have her back and everything will stay the same. So how am I supposed to change things for the better when I don't know how to?
From the start I always knew that the main rule of my life would be "You will have power in your own right, you will achieve great things for yourself and many will see what you're capable of. But, if you ever find yourself in need, no one will be there to help you". The awareness of this is what makes me daydream about a world where I don't have to sacrifice everything for nothing, and I didn't lose what I held dear because of a disease. It's. Not. Useful.
Comment by Henry on November 11, 2014 at 12:57pm

@Roel Van Rossen That was beautiful. It's not hard to realize about life. Once your eyes is open.. you will see how wonderful it is. You will start to wonder "where are everything comes from?" and "How can something exist from nothing?".

Comment by Roel on November 11, 2014 at 7:12am

Soul exposed himself to the world and Reality knew about his presence. Soul had been where others where incapable to go. He had been gone his entire life. Reality had tried to break him, but Body haden't died. You can't kill what hasn't lived yet. Now Soul was hardened. He was no child, he was no man, no human. He was a beïng that only he could be. He looked Reality in the eye with not a single tear left in his own eyes.

"You, who tried to break me. I will break you." said Soul.
"Now you will flee. Now you will run past all you loved, and see it get destroyed whene you look behind you. Now it is your turn to run and cower in a non-existant war that knows no mercy. My creations are finished, I am done running and I have started to      break      you."

Reality nodded. Without any sound the two merged into eachother. And they were one. Brain was tired but ready. Hart opened his eyes. Soul felt how feeling feels like. Reality lost himself in hundreds of worlds in hundreds of times. And it was known.

Daydreams are no waste. They are vital, they are you. They will always be there and never leave. Only you can leave, and only you can learn to control it. The world was empty, there was nothing left to discover. So you discovered what wasn't there, what was in your head. What you discover there, you can create. And then others can discover what the world was lacking.
Of course life is wonderfull. Eventhough it can be hard. What you can find in your head, and what you can take OUT of your head, is what makes life worth it.

That is what I want to do before I die, and not just before I die; I wouldn't mind dieing in the process. It is where I live for. I can't do what you do because time is, and has always been, agressiv towards me. I lose more self-control every day and I fear everything. That is because I cannot be creative due to circomstances. But I know one day I will be able to create and finish something. I will never give up chasing that dream.

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