Growing up, my favorite comic series was Calvin and Hobbes; simply because I felt that Calvin was just like me. He daydreamed, I daydreamed. Did any of you guys read Calvin and Hobbes, and did you ever feel like you were a kid like Calvin?

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Comment by tasniiem chandraa on March 26, 2016 at 5:16am

Calvin and Hobbes were the best est!!! Calvin does have a very active imagination but he also spends most of his time outdoors socializing with the external environment.

Like when he is in his tree house. or when he goes exploring with Hobbes in the woods. Or when he goes star gazing. Also when it snows he is shown to be throwing snowballs at Susie or else he is seen making snow men in different sort of positions (i like the one where he builds snowmen to be shown hit my his dads car while his dad is trying to back out of the garage). also he is shown in the playground playing and talking to the school bully as well. so yes he is spending time with other people. but the thing about Calvin is that when he can he does actively play out his imagination. like with the snowmen he builds or the box he uses to time travel. or while eating food he pretends to be a dinosaur. etc. so i guess that''s a little different from MD. Cause unlike me at least hes out there.  

but never the less Calvin and Hobbes will always be the best :D

Comment by Maddy Creamer on November 29, 2015 at 7:38am

I did notice that, going back and reading them again. A lot of the comics with him in class show him daydreaming into an entirely different world or into a different character. That's really cool now that I think about it! :)

Comment by Roel on November 24, 2015 at 9:11am

Actually, I considered all my stuffed animals to be real. they were no real anymals, but they were living beings with a soul and heart and a personality. But still I don't think it's an MDD thing, many kids did that (I think).

Okay now I'm confused. Kids do this right?

Did anyone else consider themselves to be responsible for their toys as a kid, as if you were their friend/father/mother/owner? I recall for me that my dear stuffed animals were at the same level as human beings, maybe even higher. Every one of them had a name and thorough personality (bigger than the personalities of most characters from the books I'm trying to write rightnow) and whene I lost one I remember crying as if I lost a son.

I always thought this was just a normal child-trait, that got enlarged by my autism. Anyone else ever had this. I should start a discussion about this soon to ask everyone :o

Comment by Bee on November 23, 2015 at 8:11pm
It could be. Hobbes being a real toy is not a MD thing, but Calvin does have a very active and constantly flowing imagination. His 'world' is detailed and his characters have a great amount of depth for someone so young. Now that sounds like MD. Maybe Calvin has just a touch of MD. ;)

Just a side point, and not completly related to Bill Watterson, I've always thought that since MD is so unknown, many writers must've tried to explain what they were expriencing through their writing.
Comment by Tuxedo Knux on November 23, 2015 at 7:38pm

So has anyone noticed that Calvin seems to have most of the symptoms of a maladaptive daydreamer?

Comment by Roel on November 21, 2015 at 10:45am

Aaaaw yeah i loved this, even though it wasn't my language :D

We had One book, that has english bits and translated bits :D

Comment by Bee on November 21, 2015 at 10:26am

I love that series! I got the books and I got the 10th anniversary book! It's clever, funny and a totally unique take on the world. Bill Watterson is a genius. 

I have so many fav strips....there's one where Calvin's mom is sick and he writes her the best get well card ever. ;)

(that and Asterix were my childhood)

Comment by Tuxedo Knux on November 21, 2015 at 10:13am

Just an extra random thought: Maybe we should nickname ourselves as "Calvins." lol

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