I am 24 probably a lot older than most here but I am very scared of when I turn 80 to look back at my life and regret wasting my life in dd. I would love to spend my retirement in dd but I know I will regret spending my youth in dd.

I have already spen too much of my youth in dd I can't get that back.

Anyone got a time machine

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Comment by Roobles on April 23, 2012 at 7:22am
Otakagirl- thanks for your advise. Living in the moment is very hard as what is there is nothing truly exciting in my life to want to live in the moment. I need to go bungee jumping.

Jenna- your very wise for someone young and I know what you mean by missing opportunities as I am very cautious with life and don't like taking risks. Yet risks is what u crave for and feel I will regret it when I'm older if I don't take them.

Grayartist- I don't mean I am old just older than I was before but then everyone is.
I don't regret much in my life I married my first boyfriend at 19 and we still very much in love lol, I live with his parents who are a different culture to me. I don't regret that part but I know if anything happened to him I would have no one at all I have no mates and I don't go out much but I don't mind it at all as I have my dd, but what will happen if my mind changes or i stop my dd and I look back and regret being so alone and I can't find friends as I am used to not having them.
Comment by greyartist on April 23, 2012 at 7:00am

It is amazing to hear someone 24 refer to themselves as "older". lol, I'm 46, I do feel I am wasting valuable time but I can't change it. Thats why I'm here, hoping for some answered someday. Maybe one of us here will find a way to beat this. Til then try to focus on the now as much as you can. But don't beat yourself up if you slip, the brain is a very hard thing to control. No need to fill your self with regrets, I'm talking to myself here too. :)

Comment by Jenna on April 22, 2012 at 5:27pm
Otakugirl summed it up for me. If you stay in the past, you will miss it all. If you try to go to the future, you will be so caught up and broken hearted you will be to busy thinking about how it will be, that you may miss opportune that could change your future. So march forward and stay in the Present. Also you are 24, you still have years ahead of you. Sure it may not seem like it but you might be looking in the wrong places or you are not looking and noticing what is around you
Now do not 100% trust me, I am still a naive teen. So my advice might no be the best.
Comment by otakugirl on April 22, 2012 at 4:48pm

You cant look back only move forward. No one lives a perfect life we all make mistakes. The only thing you can do is learn for mistakes and move on. Live everyday a the best so when you are 80 you wont be remembering e days you wasted but the days you lived.

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