Possible Treatments for Maladaptive Daydreaming

Hi, I'm the webmaster at http://www.daydreamingdisorder.webs.com/ 


Since I've had so many people write me, asking for advice, I (finally) added a page on my site listing all the suggestions that myself and other people with this problem have come up with. 


If anyone would like to take a look and give me some feedback on it, this would be very welcome. 



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Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on February 4, 2011 at 4:53pm
Yeah, I think one of our biggest problems is that we expect to be able to quit the first, second, third, or even 15th time.  When it doesn't work, we spiral into depression and daydreaming binges.........when we really should be saying "Oh well.  Take 2" and try again.  It's like when I quit drinking.  I seriously must've quit hundreds of times before it stuck.  I tried every day for like 2 months & eventually stopped marking the date because I never knew how long each time was going to last.  Then one day it finally stuck, and it's been years.  We have to realize that anything worth achieving in life takes a lot of work and practice.  It's simply not going to happen immediately.  That doesn't make us failures.  That makes us human.
Comment by Nico Lilly on February 4, 2011 at 2:27pm

I read it, it sounds good. All the common suggestions that have been discussed here seem to be up there. What seems difficult however is finding the right treatment for any given individual (and sticking to it!) because we all seem the same in many ways and yet different in many also. Most of the treatments require a certain amount of willpower, and breaking habits/addictions of a lifetime.

I guess it was never going to be/meant to be easy!

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