Pacing and Blindfolds - an Unexpected DD Stopper

I think my last post mentioned an essential oil blend that helped keep me focused on the real world. As time went on, it became more and more apparent that the oil only worked when I could smell it.

I recently bought an eye mask to help block out light so I could sleep better. The bad news is that it doesn't help me sleep at all. The surprising good news is that when I put it on while I'm awake, I stop daydreaming!

There are two things about wearing the blindfold that I think help stop the daydreams: 1. I can't pace, which I almost always do when I daydream; and 2. I have to use my visual processing to "see" the world around me, which makes it unavailable for daydreaming.

What's especially nice about the eye mask is that it just slips on, so I don't have to worry about tieing or adjusting it. When I feel the urge to pace or when I catch myself pacing, I just slip on the eye mask and the daydreaming stops. If I stand still I'll start daydreaming again, but as soon as I go to move the daydreams stop. It's been very helpful and I wanted to share it so other "pacers" can try it out. :)

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Comment by Sarah Beth on October 20, 2013 at 6:08pm

The oil blend is called Focus. It's made by Bio Source Naturals, and you can find it here and here. :) I'm not sure why it works; several of the oils in it are said to have "grounding properties", and it certainly feels like I'm being grounded in reality when I can smell it.

Comment by Tinkerbell on October 18, 2013 at 1:23pm

Thank you for sharing this.  I know each person reacts diffferently but what was the name of the oil?

Comment by Stormy on October 15, 2013 at 6:49pm

Why might the scent of the oil stop you? Is the sensory a distraction from thought? That is interesting.

Also, this made me realize that I cannot begin my DD in the dark until after my eyes have adjusted. It's very difficult to DD with my eye shut. I don't pace. I sit in place. Or lie in place (Lie in place nowadays only since sharing a bed with someone since) but I still need to be able to see. I wonder why that is!

Well, I am glad that something helps you gain control over it! You can choose when and when not to DD.

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