For the past, like year and a half (I think) I've had one continued daydream in one continued universe. However, I've split the daydream into 3 parts (kind of like skins, with different generations) each with multiple seasons and 'episodes' (though these are less defined) in each.

The daydream itself has become a complete addiction- annoying, yes, but not so much that I actually want it to stop. Through each generation the characters change slightly, as do the situations and even the type of 'genre' the daydream is. For example the first generation was an idealised self one, which was all action and romance and drama. Then I got bored of that, and made a massive plot twist so that it turned out it was all a coma dream (good old stereotypical soap opera twist there haha).

The second generation was a continuation from there, with me- now transgender as I wanted a male lead- the only continued character apart from my love interest. The plot kind turned quite taboo from there, but also weirdly began to turn somewhat science finctiony and supernatural, the main (Barney, my namesake here) gained this sprit attachment which allowed for out of boy experiences etc. This also introduced a whole lot more action and other characters with powers, yet the origins were never explained.

Then I sort of killed off all the main characters, fast forded like 15 years into the future into the third generation. This time there were loads more characters and its recently gone massively in depth into the origin of these powers. Its gone all 'third eye', sprits and energy levels, along with lots of hijacked characters from game of thrones and ideas from teen wolf, including the massive magical nematon tree and warging abilities. I've come up with new religious and governments cults and clubs, along with loads of new charismatic psychopaths and a ton of violence and gore haha. Its all gone a bit crazy, the team now tackling the upcoming chaos in which everyone but a minority have their third eye closed, sprits, doppelgangers, sirens, demons, children of the forest (yes vaguely based on got) whilst also fighting off Dany, a fire wielding annoyance who is in charge of a large government study of those with powers, alongside a demon-lead religious group. With lots of guns. And sprits. I swear to god I gave up trying to make my daydreams realistic a year ago!

Sorry for the ramble, my first time posting on here- my social anxiety continues onto the internet and I find it near impossible to have any active online presence *yey*Anyone else have a variety of characters all functioning within one universe with set laws?

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Comment by Roel on September 11, 2014 at 1:12pm

Cool story, I don't know or have thought of any story that is like it :D

I remember how I, in elementery school, used to play my own fantasies too, together with friends. Actualy some stories I invented together with friends as games to play on the playground. But I lost contact with them and I kept building on the idea untill it had become entirely different.

And I can't remember that many of the dreams from whene I was younger either. It was actualy some months ago that my brain randomely reminded itself off that old story about the lions, humans and heervs. I started to think back into the time, about the stories I had before that and I found them. BUT they weren't original stories. It was basicly me altering movies (mainly disney classics, fairy tales and other stuff like that), giving it an other ending that I liked better. for example; The witch gives snowwhite the apple, and sudely I appear in the story, I tell snowwhite not to eat that aaaaand I'm the hero of the story. So yeah...
I figured it was my first creative daydream ever, that was special to me, so I started extending it so it could be just as good as my other stories. It's still childish though, but I love it like that.

It seams not to be out of order to tell yet another story ;) so;

Lijnen (translation: lines) is a story about timetravelers. You know how in science fiction they say that if timetravel is used unwise, we're all done? In this story this happens. This is the legend:

Time can be seen as a line, a timeline, in the beginning is creation (big bang or God or whatever, nobody in the story actually cares about it) at the end of the line there is the end of the universe (Boom! everyone dead). The first timetraveling machine is made only a moment before the end of the universe takes place. The first timetraveler, known as The Entity, went back in time and prevents the apocalypse from happening (how and what? again nobody cares. Not many characters actualy believe this legend). The entity goes back to the end of the time line, and than dies along with the rest of the universe, which is impossible because he prevented that. What actualy happened was; he didn't alter the timeline, his type of timemachine wouldn't allow that, in stead he created a second timeline without an apocalypse, and went back to the First Line to die... In the Second Line they know sooner about time traveling, because they have seen the Entity in the past and so they know that it's possible = more motivation. They build better time travelmachines. They decide to sent out a first wave of timetravelers;

The First Travelers

And that was stupid: in a fraction of a second millions of other timelines where created, each containing other timetravelers doing exactly the same. The number of lines increased to infinity. In the Second Line they realised their mistake, and they sended other time travelers to 'repair' the damage.

The Alterers (Bad translation, not even english I think but I couldn't find a better word)

This didn't help at all, so they decided to sent The Erasers, They had only one job: Don't try to repair the lines, it's useless, just destroy the source of the problem; the other travelers. Kill both the Firsts and the Alterers.

It didn't help either, the lines kept multiplying. Paradoxes came to existance, scenarios that a contradict themself and destroy worlds and lines. There where millions of variations and types of paradoxes that could happen, but the ultimate paradox is feared by all.

The Living Paradox

He/She is known as The Master Of Lines, or symply PARADOX. A LIVING being that hunts down time travelers and destroys them, allong with the lines that they are in. Every time traveler fears it. There are legends that say that he is the agry spirit of the Entity, come to punish the travelers, others say it is just a person that is born in time, others say that it is time himself that takes revenge on the living. It will destroy everyting and can not be killed!

"Or can it?" That is what an undead- biomechanic timetraveler named Het Lijk (translation: The Corpse) says. "Honestly, how hard can it be to kill the Death Of Time, Ruler Of Seconds or whatever you guys call it? Who knows it doesn't take more than one bullet!"

Teran is a knight from the medieval times. While battling a terrible dragon, Paradox appears and turns the geneticaly moderated reptile from the future into dust. Then it tries to kill Teran, but an Eraser called Enk (nr.68) saves Teran. Teran wasn't a timetraveler and so there was no reason for Paradox to attack him. This makes Enk think that Paradox might just be a normal human that knew Teran from his past and saw him as a threath.

After having some adventures through time, Teran and another character called Mike have become real Erasers (in stead of Timelings, people that don't travel through time). Then the trio gets aproached by the infamous time-criminal that calls himself Het Lijk. Het Lijk has a cruel history that made him hate timetravelers so hard, that he became one himself just so he could kill the murderers of someone he loved. Now he is the leader of the Rotters (those that rot, soldiers with red skull-helmets) and he wants to kill the one timetraveler that is responsable for all the pain in his immortal life. He will end the paradox and he asks Enk, Mike and Teran for help. And mainly because the story would be lame if they said "No", they said "yes".

So yeah that's another story, yay! :D It has A LOT of made -up science that I won't even bother to explain. I like this story a lot. Because of the plot with endless alternative universe, anyything can happen. :D

Comment by Barney Hartnell on September 11, 2014 at 11:33am

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for the late reply!! My summer holiday's just ended and I've started my A levels (not sure what the equivalent would be outside of England but they're basically exams you do at 17/18 which are pretty much university/career defining) and lots of my friends have gone to different 6th form colleges and bleh... lots of stress haha!

I also just have to say how much I love that daydream, like the kid-logic there just makes it so much more crazy and fantastic!! Alas I've forgotten most of my early daydreams from when I was little, when I did make stories up it was way more hands on, I'd play it out with toys or by myself (ironic as now when I daydream I'm almost always completely still) and the daydreams I had later were kind of long extended story lines so I only remember like three really clearly.. which sucks. 

However!! *dramatic pause* there was one brief story I was brainstorming early this year which i never continued but I absolutely loved. Basically I went on a school trip to Berlin cause we were learning about the Cold War and all of that. I had this idea for a daydream in which the Cold war ends as most people feared it would- with a nuclear war. 

Its a seventies (with all the bad fashion) themed occasion. In it there's a teenage boy in Berlin who's family is desperately attempting to gain entrance to one of the nuclear shelters, but, like what would be the case if it were to happen, most of his family is locked out and left in an underground tube/train station where the entrance to the shelter is. He's thrust into this lock-down episode where soon enough its pretty obvious the people in charge of the operation are actually the bad-guys. People are forced into routines, with these sterile hall ways and meager meals and the constant promise of a pick up being imminent to raise peoples spirits... with no further news of their family, most of whom were probably crushed in the panic to gain entrance to the shelter.

The main character begins to realize that somethings up. Everything is person-proof, all in desperate attempts to preserve the remaining survivors and protect them mainly from themselves (this was actually the case in the designed shelters. There was nothing to kill yourself with- plastic spoons, knives, lamps, flimsy bed frames. That being said the tour guide did mention that, rather disturbingly, a little, like seven year old, kid came up with a legitimate way of ending your life... one of the more morbid parts of the trip). It was going to go down the route of either a revolution, or alternatively a conspiracy and a kind of social experiment (ever heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment, a bit like that but with far less informed consent).

Honestly I wish I wasn't in the middle of my main daydream when I came up with this idea, it blended all my favorite subjects- sociology, psychology, history, Germany :p- but it was not to be I guess. Still though lots of fun, kind of haha, not the happiest but there we go. I figure another problem with recounting whole daydreams is for about two years I went through a period where I didn't daydream but just wrote, reams and reams of the stuff. All my ideas were put into like 50 page stories, but, once I started to daydream again I just couldn't put it down into words or keep up with myself, so that all stopped. Again, deeply frustrating! Its funny trying to remember some of my childhood stories though, I'll write them on here if I remember one coherent enough to be worth recounting :)

Comment by Roel on September 5, 2014 at 10:26am

Yes, there are many others!

The first daydream I ever had that I invented all my own, came to existance whene I was four. I have to note that I have been changing stuff to make it more mature and realistic, so it used to be simpler.

It's called; Onder De Reuzen (Beneath The Giants)

I thought this: Dinosaurs were big. They all died because of an earthquacke (that's the theory that I believed back then). Animals that live now are little. So if another massive earthquacke would happen and every animal would die, the next generation of animal-life would be big again. And if it happend again, it would be smal animals again. And so on...

This is exactly what happens in the story: a massextinction happens, killing all humans and other animals. 70 million years later, other animals live on earth, gigantic animals. One spicies, called the Heervs, are humanlike, or rather giant-like. They live just like the humans did and have somewhat the same technology. They find a way to bring ceno-animals (animals of our times) back to live, using DNA preserved in bodies found in ancient krystal -like substances. They plan to create the king of primates first, the humans. And so 3 humans are born in the modern world; Abella, Kaïn and Seth. To make sure that the creation of the humans would work, they were given the (fictive) chemical called Bénetillium (or something like that, I'm actualy not sure if that's the name I gave it :/) This was ment to make the DNA less fragile, but it also made the humans extra fast and strong, compaired with their size.

The 3 humans go live with Delk Krans, a Heerf. He is the son of the scientist that invented the krystal-reader (The machine that makes ceno-animals), and is like a father to the humans.

Other animals get also created, but they're not all as smart as the humans. Except for one animal: Tigon. Tigon is a Lijger (a big catlike animal), a carnivor. He can talk and is very smart. Eventhough he stays in territory (made for him to live) and doesn't live with Delk and the humans, they are also good friends. Especialy Seth and Tigon have a good relationship together.

The humans and Tigon are regularly send to the underground ruïnes, to discover more about their ancestors. But one day while wandering through the tunnels, they encounter a vicious creature that attacks them. Luckely, Tigon manages to kill the ancient ceno-predator. But they start to find more undermonsters, deep bellow the surface. They start to ask questions.

Was it realy an earthquake that killed the ceno-animals? What did realy happen to them?

What did the Heervs evolve from?

Were the undermonsters the enimies of the humans, or are they what is left of the humans?

And are humans realy herbivors, like the Heervs said.

Tigon had only eaten syntatic meat before, and whene he killed the undermonster, he tasted blood for the first time. He becomes a predator, he attacks the lab and gets control of the krystal-reader. he creates numberous lions and tigers that become his minions. He also convinces Seth that humans are carnivors too, and Seth believes him and becomes a traitor. The Heervs have no other option than declare war to the extinct humans and ceno-predators.

And so a battle between carni- and herbivors begins.


So yeah... that's it. No fixed ending, just a gigantic world with endless possibilities. Back than tigers and lions were the only thing I knew that was bad (Stupid toddler-me). That's why they are the enimies here. It's a ridiculus story, but I like it though :p

Comment by Barney Hartnell on September 3, 2014 at 4:51am

The1andonlyAbber- haha I know exactly how you feel. I mean looking at the brief overview I wrote in my previous comment its actually pretty funny that it all started out as a teen, school drama! And trust Doctor Who to make everything go crazy, I haven't watched it in a while but when I was younger it was my favourite show (I have several remote controlled daleks). That's half the fun though I reckon, you start with something pretty minimal and then it just builds up and up into something completely wacky and unexpected. Honestly despite MD being a nuisance at times (I really struggled when revising for my GCSE's) I don't really want to make it stop, at least not as it is now. I have no idea how I'd managed to fill my time! What's your plot like at the moment?? Its funny I'm seeing that for quite a few people, or those who daydream extended plots, it seems to inevitably turn to something science fictiony. Maybe because its completely limitless, but I don't know. 

Roel Van Rossen- exactly! I'd never properly read through someones daydream plot before (even if it was just a surface description). I mean we might as well enjoy and brainstorm all these things and turn an annoyance into a positive, look on the bright side and all that. Its that or just get incredibly frustrated, so I choose the former! What about some of your other daydreams, you mentioned there were ones other than the one you wrote down?

Comment by Roel on September 3, 2014 at 4:32am

This is indead fun, learning about other fantasies. I never actualy did this before, but I love it! :D

Comment by The1andonlyAbber on September 2, 2014 at 7:42pm
I also divide my daydreams into "episodes" and "seasons". I've had several daydreams over the years. I can totally relate to what you said about everything gradually becoming more and more unrealistic. My current daydream started off as strange but realistic--it was just the adventures of a girl who lived in a mansion with her eccentric family. There were dragons and vampires, but nothing TOO crazy. Then I started watching Doctor Who and everything just exploded. There were now aliens as well as dragons and vampires. Then I studied DNA in Biology, and ended up creating a storyline where my character and her family were actually humanoid aliens who had been genetically engineered by other aliens. Eventually my character ended up being put in charge of an alien empire (long story).
Comment by Barney Hartnell on September 2, 2014 at 3:09pm

The interview dream is pretty much exactly as I have it, talking about the inspiration to the story, how you developed the characters, why you decided on certain plot twists. Its actually how I get to sleep at night, I have like a two hour worth daydream, then turn off my music and wind down by basically reviewing what i'd just dreampt- it works pretty well I've got to say. 

That daydream sounds pretty amazing, it reminds a bit of x-men and the bit of the infamous gameplay I've seen, like you mentioned, which is a pretty damn good combination! 

My plot is turning a bit like that now. Currently there is a group of main characters most of which had their third eye open- with super powers to match- before the 'chaos'. The chaos in their case was linked to the layers of energy in the world. There's the top layer- the earth- where the living and ghosts of the dead (those both aware that they are dead, and those which aren't, called spirits in bardo) reside. Next there is an energy level which animals and all those with a third eye have tapped into, which allows for powers. Everyone has the potential for a third eye, but a traumatic event rips it open. The last and deepest level is a level which contains spirits (or demons). These spirits take all types of forms, some good some bad. Death is one of the oldest spirits which roams the earth with a dog by its side, but is also notoriously thickle, many characters befriending death and making a deal to come back. Nymphs, sprites, banshees, doppelgangers, children of the forest, are all spirits, allowed onto earth, as despite being mischievous, are not malevolent. Some malevolent spirits (demons) do try and access the earth levels, but are stopped by trees called the nematon, like a volcano full of lava they fill the tree and can only be freed if the tree is cut down. 

The chaos (basically the gradual shutting of everyone's third eyes apart from the minority) is usually triggered by someone who opens their eye fully, therefore upsetting the natural balance, so nature kind of resets itself, killing off those which are causing the trouble, but also just stripping people of their abilities. However this time around (for the main characters) it differs. This is because aware ghosts (the undead, those not it bardo) used the three set rule (an idea based off of Wicca that everything we do will come back to us with three times the effect) to rise back up. In that the ghosts will kill the living, but someone cant die three times over, so they use that left over energy to bring themselves back. This obviously upset the natural balance, so by creating a triangle of nematon trees across the globe the group stopped the three set rule, meaning almost no one could have magic powers. It also simultaneously stopped a sort of zombie apocalypse and meant everyone was spread across the country (a tweaked version of the UK) with no memory of past events.

Eventually people start to gain their memories back, and after negotiating the fact they are stuck in spirit traps (meaning they have to appease unsettled spirits in the area which are trapped on earth or in the unaware state of bardo) and re-meet. 

The main is a teenager called Bran. He has a deep connection with magic and the wild, and a vast knowledge of it. He was brought up by a wilding, a group with one of the oldest beliefs in the world, which believes in a faceless God which runs through the elements- in particular trees. He can warg into a wolf and also has premonitions and can enter a deep dream state often involving the nematon tree (this is all the game of thrones plagiarism at work!). He also lost his parents to a demon. Next there is Kenny, Brans best friend, who is immortal (yes like Kenny from South Park). He has a deep connection with death, and before the chaos was able to bring people back from the dead. He is not entirely human, yet neither is a spirit, and his OP powers remain unexplained. He's also incredibly reckless and bipolar, with a bad home life. Eric is another main who is utterly demented. I'm undecided exactly on whether she's a psychopath, a sociopath or something entirely different, but she's been known to rip peoples fingers off with her own teeth, and doesn't object to just killing a problem off. That being said she is one of the most fun to think of and does care for a few special people, and also used to be able to teleport. On a recent plot twist she is also Bran's lost sister who was taken away after their parents death and whilst Bran was both in a coma and partially paralyzed (from the fall which triggered his third eye being opened) so can also enter a dream state. There are lots of other characters, but this is getting wayyy too long now!

Alongside the wildlings and the belief in the old gods, there are other religions and organisations. One of them is 'the hounds' which believe in a sort of blood sacrifice. They were animal masks and believe that you can further open your third eye (in turn getting better powers) by cutting somebody else and being tied to them. They believe that blood is the most powerful and significant aspect in becoming superhuman, but recently have lacked in support. There is also and eastern group which don't differ much from the wildlings (other than the wildlings believe all humans fit into two categories- wolf and rabbit- whilst this group believes in fire and dragons). Finally there is a malicious new age group which preach 'the sun, the moon, the truth' which believe humans themselves have the power to 0pen their third eye and force themselves remember events before the chaos rather than the memories naturally coming to them. This is dangerous as malevolent spirits/demons can manipulate it and is currently one of the groups the characters are battling, with some of my mains being taken in and remembering the pre-chaos through their methods. Then there is also a scientific, government lead research group with one of my power hungry characters involved in its upper rankings. This organisation takes and tests on those with an open third eye and as of this current moment in the dream there has been two open rebellions towards it and the government world wide, which is another of the main enemies this season (with Eric running very open slaughters of its patrons just as a warning!). 

God and believe it not that's only the scrapings of whats going on and what has gone on (I'm starting to struggle with just keeping this all in my head haha, my memory is poor at best). Unlike yours it has a fixed beginning but not really a fixed end, though there are fixed points in the universe which are flexible in terms of who it happens to and exactly when, but will eventually inevitably happen in some form. The person with the true sight- Bran- is the only person in the universe who can actually see how it will turn out, who and when and where. 

Jeeze these comments are just turning more and more into essays, its interesting though, one of the best things about this site is finding out about other peoples daydreams!

Comment by Roel on September 2, 2014 at 11:53am

It's how we all feel I guess, we have all this stuf inside and we want to show it, but we can't because it doesn't exist.

I also often dream of how people would react if one day I actualy published a book. I dream of me telling others where I got my inspiration, how the making of the story developed and how long it has been stuck in my head. (In interviews that is mostly, which is weird because I am actualy afraid of people)

The electric guy is called Vonk (that means spark), or at least that is his monster name. He's not the protagonist though. I'll explain the story 'a little';

Throughout history, a lot of monsters unexplicably appeared (because of  various reasons like mutation, aliens, experiments, miracles,... every possible plot). A secret organisation called Theseus cought these monsters and contained them. Because they didn't know how to threat these anomalies, they've been putting them into cryosleep, deep under the ground. Time kept going by and these underground facilities got more and more prissoners. Present day a meteor falls towards earth. It burns in the atmosfere, but the ashes do reach the earths surface. This mysterious stardust falls from the sky, onto the skin of an average normal girl. The girl transforms slightly (here skin starts to reflect blue light like fragmented diamonds) and she faintes. Theseus is there in time, they take her and imprisson her in a cryo-capsule. The girl is put underground next to other frozen monsters. She sees the time pass by realy fast.

After that it's far in the future. Every possible scenario for a global apocalypse has happend. EVERY scenario. Aliens, zombies, disasters of nature, nuclear wars,... all of it happend. Some events at the same time, some events with thousends of years in between them. From time to time, one of Theseus' many storages gets broken into by monsters or scavengers, and new monsters escape to roam the world. It is clear that the outbreak of one of Theseus' monsters has caused a chainreaction that started the apocalypse. There are only a few human cities left. These are well protected from the terrible monsters that live outside. But there is a little twist that many humans don't realise; all the monsters were once like them. Eventhough they have powers, monsternames and roars that frighten everyone, most of them are still human in there head.

The girl gets awake by a wandering zombie that flings her cryo-capsule into a gap. She meets a gang of monsters. Monsters live like nomades in the nowone'sland, they form gangs and often fight with other groups. They don't realy look like monsters, more like homeless criminals with freakpowers.

The leader of the gang is Vonk, an electric monster that can transform himself into millions of electrons like it is nothing. Though Vonk is the leader of the little group, he gets a lot of help from Helwesp, (translation: wasp from hell) a masked psychic who can attack his enemies with their own nightmares and fears, plus he has a metal black suit with robotic rocket-wings. Than there is Demona, a girl that can break the barriers between reality and what ever else there is, she can banish anyone to a dark oblivion, or turn the world around her into a living nightmare. And than there is splitser, one of my favorite superhumans of all time (translation: devider/multiplier) Splitser is a microscopic organisme that has found a loophole through evolution. He is a boy with the powers of a bacteria, and mainly the powers of rapid reproduction. He can multiply the number of arms, eyes, legs and also his mussles so he can multiply his strenght. He can also clone himself, produce slime and even throw an embryo version of himself that will grow to his current age in just a few seconds. He is also very flexible and can sneeze with great force to launch himself to higher places.

They give the girl a monstername too; Glinte (from the dutch word, glinster) but the girl doesn't want to be a freak, she thinks she is still pretty normal and wants to go to the human cities where she belongs. But she will learn that things aren't always what they seem. Eventually, the humans turn out to be the most violent and soulles of all. Even the monsters know what love and friendship is, and they don't care about money or anything else. They might have claws or sharp teeth, but there hearts are what matters. They have to prove to themselfs that they are better than the primates of wich they've ascended, and stop the evil monster that calls himself Duivel.

So yeah, that's a lot of text :/ AGAIN.

This is actualy one of the less original stories I have. though has some things I find different from other postapocalyptic stories. Like there are different types of zombies in the story. Not like; there are strong and weak versions, but there are actualy different species of zombies that prey on eachothers. And than there are zombies like the Feniksen, they have been made to elliminate all the other zombie species, but made it even worse; the Ondoden, they can't die; the Gooiers thay are a little bit smarter and can use weapons or throw stuff; Rotreptielen, they are only zombies in their mind but their bodeys are healthy; Vangers, they are like plants that wait until someone gets near and then attack; Wakers, they are unconsiousnuss like the others but they know what they are and regularly wake up and scream of horror whene they realise what they have become.

And other stuff like that, it gets deeper. This story has a fixed beginning and end, but I still want to ad more stuff to it, so i don't write it down yet. But wow, I have said long enough of this already. Again sorry for writting so much, even though you say you don't have a problem with it.

Comment by Barney Hartnell on September 1, 2014 at 2:16pm

That way of describing the dreams, like a book you pick up and down, is probably one of the best ways I've heard it described! As for the writing thing, I think that's how most people (or at least those on the site I've seen writing about it) feel, in that the pure amount of stuff we daydream makes it utterly impossible to actually write it all down in the way we see it. I've considered writing down past dreams from when I was younger (in fact the reason I came up with my current universe was because my previous one was based around the characters I'd made on sims growing up, but when the game broke I felt to heartbroken to continue it) but then again, I've forgotten almost all of what I made up then!

Also thanks for the comments on originality, and shared concepts. I reckon the problem is, in my head it already is a TV show, part of the daydream is daydreaming about fan reactions and episode trailers. In fact the whole idea for the third 'generation' was based on one of the characters therapists being interviewed on the book they wrote about the characters in the daydream (daydream-ception haha) and the characters in the third generation had even read this book and carried it about, using it to decipher some of the following problems and mysteries. Anyway- back to the point- its almost like if I were to write it down, not only would it be ridiculously long, but I would be plagiarizing myself, as well as some of the inspirations for the daydream (books, tv, heck even sims machinima makers!). 

Also got to say, dammit Scoobiedoo haha, stealing your ideas before you even thought of them! When I was like eight I was convinced I was super original coming up with a supernatural parallel universe full of witches and ghosts- pretty much all creatures involved with Halloween. I built it up from games me and my friends made up and stole concepts from it (we were somehow convinced that skeletons and ghosts were the same, just after a whiles ghosts would turn into skeletons... obviously). Then I watched Halloween Town on Disney Channel and I was deeply traumatized (and also in love with the film as it optimized all of my childhood obsessions). Needless to say I didn't use the detailed maps I'd drawn for that universe again.

So yeah, I definitely agree its about how you tell the story. One of my favorite things about my daydreams is when I create a random side character vaguely based off of someone of TV, just as a place filler, and then steadily building them up with background and subplots until they become a main. It would be great to be able to somehow convey what we daydream into something more substantial. I'm not much of a writer (despite my love of reading and English) so I've tried in the past to draw out the characters, but the people I've shown it to have always brushed it off and never inquired about it. I reckon that's the curse of an MD'er, you have this amazing world and plot, but only you can see it *sigh*

Also I have no problem with rambling haha

That and did the post-apocalyptic electric superhuman ever get incorporated into one of your full daydream plots?? 

Comment by Roel on September 1, 2014 at 12:30pm

It's actualy very visual, almost if it's more detailed than reality. The science is only where a dream starts, next the world gets build around the concept and a main story line is made, after that the protagonists, hero's and villians get made, than hundreds of scenario's (mostly action/fight scene's) come to existance and than I tape it all together. Than I have a story. I keep adding stuff, and the length of the story increases. And after some time (a year at minimum) I can say how many books it will take.

But it is visual though. The reason why I call them books rather than movies is because of their length. I always find a movie too short. for instance, a romantic movie is never that romantic to me. There is not enough time to band with the characters, and you can't feel what they feel.
Also, you can open and close a book at any time, you can chose how fast you read it. That's how my dreams feel. Whene I want, I open it and dream. And because I have to be present in reality I have to close it a lot too, it's just like a book, but visual, emotional, musical, and sometimes akousticly-narated or lyrical.
But I think one's dreams take the forms of their inspirations. You watch tv-series (got) and so you're dreams have that structure. My inspiration is simply from whene I was young (for example, Turbon was originaly a transparant lego-brick that I used to make the weapons and engins of my lego-robots/vehicels) and so I have a weird structure that isn't movie or book. But I had to give the stories some name and because I've always wanted to be a writer, I call it books.
And yes, I have tried to writing the dreams out. But I couldn't keep myself writing one story and ended op writing twenty at the same time, and that slowed me down terribly. I got 90 pages written for one story, and the second biggest is only 40. I have put a lot of time into that, but it wasn't productive and so I decided that I would never finish it. Instead I started recently posting some chapters on a blog, because I desperatly wanted to show my friends and familie what was in my head. yeah...

Your stories might feel fake because the concept has been used before, but think of any book or movie of which there isn't an other story that looks alike. Almost every sciencefiction uses that same way of traveling through space. Every love story has the same stereotype's. Why do aliens or zombies have to be the ones that bring the apocolypse, while that has been seriously overused already? And for Godssake, nearly all fantasy use the creatures that tolkien and others invented, in stead of seeking inspiration in mythology and imagination.

Also; whatever you think of, millions of people have new ideas daily and there will always be someone who has the same idea. I once thought of a man that lived in a postapoloptic world, he had electric powers and could travel trough the electric wires that were now no longer used. I actualy thought that was an original Idea. But than I saw a monster in scoobiedoo that could do that and I played Infamous (protagonist has nearly the same powers) and now I've seen that a spiderman-villian is electric too. Just as an example. Every one can make or copie a fantasy world, exiting characters and a quest or goal, but it's not about that. It's about how you use them. It's about how you make the story.
The little things that you told about in your blog seem original to me, I have never heard of a lot of these things before, though I don't know a lot of pop culture.

So yeah... Now I have been rambling lol

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