I watched a show where someone did just that. It was a show called "paul merton in europe" He visited a man who moved from NY to Ireland. He said that he had seen movies and old photos of the twenties and felt he had been cheated out of a good life. So he decided to create that life. His house was decorated in the twenties style, no modern kitchen. Every thing as it would be in the twenties. He dressed in that style, making or altering clothes to fit that era. It was really fascinating.  He was some what of a recluse, he said he avoided parts of Dublin that were modern and only went to areas that still held to the old ways. The host asked him if his art was the house instead of his paintings, he said his paintings were like the giftshop for the castle that was his life. 

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Comment by Way Too Internal on February 1, 2013 at 10:49am

This is fascinating as I do feel that sometimes I wish to make my life as if it was a movie.At least here he is specific and he has created his world mine is on adventure movie after another : ) 

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