I feel really low about MD right now I read in a stanislavski book ( he is the for- father of modern acting) and it says an actor must keep good mental health and resolve depression when it first acours, after 3 years of un diagnosed severe depressive syptoms i final feel that i am almost better, but does this mean to recover the years spend in an acting slump due to depression i have to also resolve MD to be able to have "good mental health"  i have have forms of md ever since i could remember, to act do i need to give up the only thing that i have ever truly had. If yes and i need some help since i am a minor i would have to tell someone about my MD which is a very private thing for me, to get help for a disorder that isn't even reconised! Hope that maded sense

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Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 13, 2013 at 6:11pm

P.S.  I understand that you're in distress, but please don't post the same thing in both a blog and a discussion.  Here is the right place for it.  

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 13, 2013 at 6:10pm

Hi there.  I don't know if MD is a disorder.  I only accept it being called that because I want doctors to know about it, so they can help people who are in distress.  I don't think it's a good thing or a bad thing.  I think it has both positive and negative qualities.  Not everyone on here is in distress.  Many have said they've gotten better, and many have said that they live normal lives with it.  You can, too.  I think that if it can be controlled, then it can be used constructively.  It may even help you in your acting.  Have you tried some of the suggestions I posted along the right side of the main page?  People have suggested many things, but these are the ones that have been suggested the most often.  Try them.  Keep trying things until you find what works for you.  Don't give up.  It can get better.  

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