Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Has it really been two years since my last visit to this site?
I used to come on here daily, often just to lurk about and chat. This site helped me through a really rough time in my life… I found this site way-back-when, back when I was suffering from severe depression and thought I was the only one in the universe who was addicted to their own daydreams. This site, and the knowledge that others out there went through the same troubles that I did, helped me get through my final years of high school and first years of college. Then, life took control and pulled me away… I think at some point, I left the site because I was disappointed in myself and my inability to even try to control my daydreams. And then I had classes, reports, finals, internships…. Now, it's two years later.
Two years ago, when I made my last blog post on here, I was an 18 year old junior in university (Yeah, I'm two years ahead in school… it's complicated). I had just moved out of my parents' house, and into a dorm room that was only five minutes down the road. I had joined numerous clubs at school, and was slowly overcoming my social anxiety. Slowly. Very, very slowly. Like a snail, inching along. Of course, my daydreaming was still getting in the way of studying, chores, and social events… but what's new? I think it was two years ago that I finally began to overcome the depression that had haunted me throughout high school.
So, in celebration of my return to this site, I would like to make a list of what has changed over these two years. Maybe it will help those of you who are at the stage I was back then be able to look forward to the future, (because, I'll go ahead and let you in on the secret conclusion to this blog, it gets better.)
Let's start off with what hasn't changed:
And that's it. Practically, every thing else has changed. Look at this:
Of course, much more has happened over the past two years… but I'm sure you'd find the rest of it is actually quite boring. I'm happy now. I'm inspired and motivated. My life isn't perfect yet, but I'm getting it there. I still have relapse moments of depression, self-hate, and anxiety attacks… but they are becoming fewer and fewer with time.
I'm not sure how many of you still lurk about this site… but if you are still out there, and are still willing to read my blog posts (even the ones that turn into incoherent rants), then maybe I'll just have to stop by and update these more often.
A Very Happy Girl in England
I've always considered writing down my daydreams, but have been scared to do so, for fear of falling back into it. It's so nice to read that someone is able to manage their life and goals, alongside daydreaming, and actually making USE of that. I wish you the absolute best :) and thank you for sharing.
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