I read on this page, that one of the symptoms of day-dreaming is creating an idealized version of yourself. I thought, it didn't apply to me as I don't have an idealized version of myself. I don't have ANY version of myself. In my dreams I don't exist. There are many details, visualizations, but there is no body. Just the voice. And that's weird as thinking in terms of bodies is a natural thing. Even in religion, Jesus Christ had the body, so it was much easier to imagine him (and talk to him, if one needed) than the holy ghost. Angels looked like people. Aliens look weird, but they also have something reminding the human body. When I do segmentation at work, I'm asked to find pictures for each consumer type to visualize them, so it's easier to imagine.


The weirdest thing is that I'm not completely introverted. I do need to talk, and I guess, I'm able to listen. I like to meet people. But I don't look at them. I like to hear their voices. Sometimes I'm even interested in their problems.


Today I woke up and realized that lacking the body IS the idealized version of myself. It's a really bad thing. You have to wash it, feed it, dress it, it needs to sleep, it gets sick, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it says it wants to sleep with its boyfriend. And it distracts your attention from more important things.


Especially bad thing for a girl as we need to care about the bodies more than men do. And it eats my time.


Some people don't like, how their bodies look and want a plastic surgery. I envy them. Improving the bodies can at least partially solve their problems. Unfortunately, there is still no surgery to get rid of your body, but still keep your mind :)



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Comment by Julie on May 6, 2011 at 11:12am
Thanks. I'm actually trying to undestand, why this is happening. It may be the kind of narrator or  observer or I don't feel myself good enough to stand by those famous people. Maybe, I just don't like the limitations and being physical is one of them.

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