So, my MC was just on TV. I knew I had this weird feeling before I turned to the station, but I couldn't understand why. He's on the "Hall Of Games Awards" on cartoon network, and when they showed him, I just started CRYING. Not a little, like I mean sobbing hysterically... I think I may know why. I wish he wasn't real. I know it sounds weird, but a lot of you have characters that are just yours and... I'm jealous. No one else knows them. No one else can feel them, connect with them the way you do. I'm afraid Toby will become really famous, and forget youtube all together. He'll gain even more fans, and I just wish that weren't the case. I wish he was only mine. No one else could see him. How beautiful and just amazing he was... But in this world, people do know him. Other girls go crazy over him, too... I just want it to be me. Help? I don't know how, but I just wanna talk to people who understand.... Do any of you have a similar problem? And I hope you understood that... I'm just trying to go really fast here, because I feel a little crazy at the moment... So sorry if there are spelling mistakes, and sorry for rambling. :)

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Comment by Thandimanillon on February 20, 2013 at 8:08am
I gained one of my MCs from a book, but he's changed so much over the course of his residence in my mind that I can't bear to read the books I got him out of anymore. And the fanfiction about him makes me feel sick and angry and jealous. I feel like screaming at them that they're all wrong in their characterisations of him and that they don't have a clue what he's really like. And then I remember that he's fictional, completely fictional, even though he's a publicly fictional character who can be changed and characterised at the authors' whim. Even though my MC isn't an actual human being by any measure, I still hate seeing others' takes on him and their adoration.
Comment by Dusty on February 14, 2013 at 7:39pm

I know exactly how you feel. While I'm mostly over him now, I've had many real-life crushes where I'd feel that way.

Other girls liking him and showing more affection to him than I ever have. Saying and doing the same things I would say if he gave me the opportunity.Noticing how all the guys that look a bit like him seem to have girlfriends that are prettier than me.

And just projecting my feelings for him, that I think he is extremely cool and unique and amazing, and assuming that is how everyone else feels about him as well.

Comment by Paracosm on February 13, 2013 at 6:56pm
I think I know what you mean. All of my characters (except myself, lol) are fictional, although my very best (imaginary) friend looks similar to a famous actor, who was actually my inspiration for his character. I'm so attached to this character and every time I see someone who even resembles him in the smallest amount (on TV or in the real world), I feel really awkward, and yes—jealous. It's like seeing someone I know so well who doesn't know me at all.
Comment by Esther Rose on February 12, 2013 at 9:41am

I kind of understand. I used to have daydreams about some of the characters from twilight and whenever I saw the trailer on TV I would get really distressed and change the channel. I always wanted them to be in my head only, but it's got better now and I can make the real people and my daydream people different from each other. I don't think there's anything you can really do about it except try not to let yourself get upset over the fact that he isn't just in your head :)

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