Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Hello Everyone, I can't say how completly relieved I am to finally realise I'm not a crazy freak! I'm 27 and am totally consumed by md, I have other issues, such as anxeity, generalised social phobia, OCD. My biggest question is really which controls which?? Do I have anxiety etc because of my md, or do I have md because of the issues???
In my md I'm not a fictitonal character I'm me but in different situations. I have regular ones that I have when I'm vacuuming for like the 100th time that day, where I'm super rich and cleaning my mansion (sad I know-esp as if i where that rich I'd have a cleaner!) Different hings can trigger a md, like if I'm watching something and the character does something differently then the way I would do it, then I start getting lost in re-enacting that, but I'm the main character. I believe md has significant effect on my mood, for example if I think my boyfriend is going to come home and start an argument (say we had words on the phone) with me then I play it over and over (lips moving and maybe actually crying) to how I'm gonna react to him. I play what he might say and how I might reply, then I replay that bit with different comebacks etc, then I'm in a bad mood, I feel down upset I'm shouting at my children-then my bf walks in and there's no argument!! So my mood brightens again, but I've experienced anger and upset, all at my own doing, and totally pointless!! These r the kind of md that I want rid of, it's like I'm constantly preparing myself for something that myt never happen. Some of my md's are quite dark and I'm to ashamed to say, but again it's like I'm trying to see how I'd react if these things were to happen to me??!!
I do have alot of good md that passes the time of day, ones I enjoy and wouldn't want to give up. Mainly I'm sucsseful in my business that I want to start and people look up to me! I always wonder what people who don't daydream like me think about?? What consumes their thoughts? Do they have any thoughts??
Eludemyfantasies: This has nothing to do with dd but I'm pretty sure that scientist have proved that the chicken came first. Something like, there is a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries and without that protein the egg cannot be formed. I don't remember exactly....
Thank you every one for such a warm welcome! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest!! I've never spoke about this before, my family just think I "talk to myself" cuz when I'm in an md my lips are going and I have facial expressions etc.
Eludemyfantasies, I have a celebrity crush/obsession atm and I keep looking at interviews with him on youtube, watching the same scenes over and over in the tv series he's in, then dd about us meeting and falling in love blah blah (as I write it I have major cringe face on!), soon enough tho I'll get obssessed with a different book/film/tv series and it starts all over again. i read once that when a tv series comes to an end, some people acutally go through the 7 stages of mourning without realising it-this is definatly me! One of my other obsessions is moving to America (I'm british), that's because most of my tv/films/books I read r based there. That dd comes and goes but can last weeks, I google earth the area of interest to make the dd more realsitic, I look at house prices so I can incorporate me actually buying a property in2 the equation so then I can meet the character or actor whose playing him. Reading what I've just wrote, makes me realise I'm soooo lame.
I am genuinly really grateful for all your comments, and for this site. Speak soon guys xxxx
Welcome Natalie! EludeMyFantasies, has a great way of putting things. Thanks for that! You've mentioned a lot of stuff I can relate to. And yeah Natalie, I'd love to know who of my close friends DD as much as me! (:
My daydreams are for the most part different. I have had dd's where I pretend to be rich and famous or have imaginary conversations with someone I know. But for the most part, I'm never me in my dd's. I have many different characters and story plots and different places and even different time periods. But as far as I know normal or "plain people" as I like to call them ;] think about the stuff in their lives. I saw my sister go into a heavy daydream one time. I asked her what she was thinking about and she told me: "I think I should buy new curtains. Like a thick dark brown on bottom and then a lacy light brown over top. I think that would accent our (green) couch." And there I was thinking about what one character said to another this morning when I woke up and how so and so would blow up if they knew this.....
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