I do not quite have the same problems as people on here but my good friend Lizzie got me on here. I may not have MD but I have ADHD. I may not have the same problems, but they are still bad nonetheless. So I thought I would start off with what it is like for me.

If you have ever talked with a person with ADHD before, you know how bad it is for them to stay on one subject. With me it is not much different. I drift from topic to topic, quickly changing from games to music. From music to movies. But also when I try to help someone in class I explain to them how I think about a math problem. After I am done they give me a look that makes me feel like I should go into a corner. They are so confused or just weirded out. 

It makes me feel isolated as well when everyone says for me to settle down. Then I want to yell at them that this is my settle down limit. I bounce all over the walls, almost all day. Even when I am sitting down and look calm, my thoughts are bouncing all over the place. They cannot settle. Yet I am expected to sit there and stare at a pair of lips while a teacher rambles on about some material I will probably never use again in my small pathetic life.

Even now I can feel the thoughts drifting to the movie I just watched (adventures of Tin-Tin. Not the greates movie, but it was a good family movie night thing). Then I think about how it has some scenes similar to Pirates of the Carribean, then I think of how the two main characters married at the end of the movie. But then the chain does not end there, but I am switching between that chain of thoughts with how the adventures of Tin-Tin if like Indiana Jones... And I am not even going to go from there. 

The thing I hate the most is that people expect me to be FULLY functionable. It is maddening just being able to write this simple little blog post. 

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Comment by Will Paine on April 12, 2012 at 3:03pm

Thank you Emilia. And I am almost like that in MANY respects. But I do not get much help for this, the only thing that qualifies as 'help' from my doctors is medication... I hate the stuff. So basically I have to learn how to control it myself, and people just accept me or do not.

Comment by Jenna on April 7, 2012 at 7:59pm

Hmm I don't have ADHD but I can't just bet it must be very hard to deal with, I mean switching from one subject to another fast like I do every once in a while is tiring and confusing when I do. I can't imagine doing that everyday. O.0

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