Damn. I've been dealing with MD since I was prepubescent and it's only on my 18th july 5th that I learn how my issue is called and that there's a whole community built for it. Despite how disappointed I am by the apparent weakness of my google-fu, more than anything, I am relieved. Worse yet, happy! Happy to have found people I can relate to.

The fact that y'all are all here, talking, sharing your experience, existing and stuff? It makes me happy. So thank you.

I'd like to start off by introducing myself. As I've already mentioned, I'm 18 years old. I am also, among other things, a girl, a frenchie that may be prone to butchering your precious language (sorry!) and a somewhat neurotic person. I'm depressed and I have social phobia, neither of which are being treated. As a result of being terrified of being judged and/or rejected, I have a grand total of zero (0) friends as of right now. Which is why I spend hours imagining that I'm talking to people - that I'm expressing myself eloquently, that people listen to me, that they're interested by me, that they understand me. It might seem mundane but to me, it's akin to riding a unicorn. I spend an enormous part of my time simply doing that; pacing back and forth, making lectures in my head... And it's really messing up my life. I have a hard time accomplishing anything concrete, staying grounded in reality... My attention span is really limited, I procrastinate a lot, you know how it is. My symptoms seem pretty average, except for the simplicity and the repetitiveness of my daydreaming sessions, I guess?

Anyway, I guess I'll stop there and get back to y'all later, if anyone is interested by my ramblings. All of this is giving me a lot of things to think about. I'll probably be daydreaming about talking about MD for a couple of days, ah ah. :| My life is sad.

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Comment by KwanKwan on November 4, 2012 at 5:39pm

OMG you remind me of myself soo much! i have social anxiety/phobia and depression and a lot of other problems lol. and i spent a lot of time a few months ago literally talking to myself outloud, when no one was home, about things that bothered me or my opinonated views to like and imaginary audience.

I had very few friends and the ones i did have were pissing me off weekly, lol. And yes google failed me at first too, but only cause the first thing the popped up was "Multiple Personality Disorder" which i thought i had for a few months.

Comment by Pareidolia on July 6, 2012 at 3:30pm

Hey! Thanks to all of you for your warm welcome, it means a lot to me. I'm looking forward to talking with all of you and trying to find ways to deal with MD. :) I'm really motivated, I'm already starting to look for triggers, tips to be more productive, etc. I'd also like to spread awareness about MD in French-speaking communities but I'll try not to get too ahead of myself !

Comment by Laura on July 6, 2012 at 2:57pm
Hi :) I've just found this site too and I totally agree - I'm so relieved and pleased to have found a place where there might be people I can relate to. I'm not alone - hurrah!

In addition to more intricate daydream worlds (I have two), I also spend a lot of time daydreaming conversations... Daydreaming myself actually being able to express myself articulately, as opposed to mumbling and sounding dumb (that's real life me!). And actually having close friends. In fact, a hell of a lot of my daydreaming is quite mundane - just talking to people, sharing deep thoughts, ideas, poetry, music etc. I guess even daydream-"me" is an introvert!

Really nice to "meet" you :)
Comment by LostSoul99 on July 6, 2012 at 2:01pm

Welcome to this site Pareidolia! It's great that you shared your story. If you ever want to talk to anyone, I'm always here. Just give me a message if you like. I wouldn't say that I have social phobia but I do suffer from social anxiety and I hate being around people. Alot of MDers also suffer from social anxiety/social phobia so you're not alone. Feel free to message anytime you want.

Comment by J Noland on July 6, 2012 at 10:41am
It's been almost 1 year since I found out about others who daydream compulsively. I never thought it was possible to be able to talk with anyone else about it and be understood. I wish I knew sooner. I never get tired of reading the newbie stories because they are so much like my own history. Thank you for sharing because it makes me feel more comfortable with who I am. Jen
Comment by sue peake on July 6, 2012 at 5:36am

howdy to you too.

ive just joined about a week ago,so we are both newbies.

can i just say as of now you have a friend ME,lol.im glad to be here and glad you have found this wonderful place to share.i will join you in your next couple of days as we will probably converse in my head together at some point.ha ha.


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