Hi guys.

This is my first post here.I'm 22 years old and i've been daydreaming ever since from my childhood.I just wanted to ask how do you guys manage to study?i'm having a really hard time at university.i can't focus when i'm in the class or even when i'm trying to study my lessons.i can't concentrate at all on any of them and although i'm not a bad student and i spend a lot of time studying,my grades have never been this low and even i could get expelled from the university due to my poor results.

it's like a curse.i really don't know what to do.i tried talking to a therapist or my parents about this but it was pointless.they couldn't understand what i'm going through.

can anyone help me solve this?

or any experience or idea?

i really appreciate it.

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Comment by Jenn Taylor on November 4, 2015 at 4:38am

I'm old, so this will sound old, but 3 x 5 cards worked for me. Like math flash cards for little kids, write headings and details on each card, bite sized. Then memorize them while listening to Jimi Hendrix.

Comment by Reza on October 30, 2015 at 11:51am
Thank you "just me".
Although i don't know if i can overcome the fear of getting droped out of university!
Comment by Just Me on October 26, 2015 at 3:58pm

yeah, that's extremely hard for me too. I studied very little in high school, and only when panic kicked in (i was always a good student, and perhaps had fear of failing) like the night before or (even) morning before. I always studied last minute and it was enough for A's in my case. BUT. College happened. It isn't nearly enough here, and I study more than I ever dreamed I'd be, and my grades aren't A's anymore, now they're mostly C's, some B's... It was also a huge blow for me because I was so used to do nothing and still get good grades. I can't concentrate, especially since I live in another city now (I moved) and all my friends are back home. I'm lonely and a bit depressed I'd say so I'm daydreaming a lot.  I'm struggling though and finally trying to get the knack of what some other people that go to hard college have been doing since primary school. Sitting down and hitting the books. (no, not fiction, but actual textbooks!)

Well, I'd say I'm doing pretty good this year for a now so here are few tips, (i really HOPE they work because I'm screwed otherwise...I'm a huge procrastinator and daydreamer but I also like having A's and this situation where you study more than you're used to and still get C is only making me daydream more and that's a never ending cycle)

1. Change study spots... I do this a lot. I live in a dorm so sometimes I study in my room, sometimes in classrooms, sometimes I stay in the library... sometimes I go to a colleague's house and we study together (this is refreshing)

2. Listen to music. Well, this really helps me. Also change it each day. I listen to epic fantasy music, classical music (try gregorian chanting it's super calming and boosts concentration), even red army choir for good commie let's do this shit vibe, some bands...depends on the mood. Just don't listen to songs you usually listen to when you daydream (if you listen to music while you daydream like I do xd)

3. Water. WATER. Really. It helps.

4. Limit distractions....tune down facebook and others. You can still use it every half an hour or something but don't keep it active all the time.

5. Think how much sweet time you'll have for yourself after you pass an exam (since if you don't, you'll have to study that again). And think of reward (tasty food and good movie/book/tv series/anime)

6. Imagine yourself in a situation where you drop out and fail everything. Imagine the worst possible situation. See yourself living it. See yourself surviving it. Now go on without constant fear of failure. Because fear is the mind killer. (okay I totally quoted something here)

7. Pretend you're doing something super great. Like I pretend I'm researching something for the Winchesters when I'm studying biochem. xd

I hope this helps a bit. :)

Comment by Jui on October 26, 2015 at 2:55am

I have this problem as well. My exams are coming closer every day and I just don´t get myself to the point where I really study as much as I should.

But to answer your question:

Creating a "study"environment actually helps me. I always have some piano music around me, a empty deskt, only my book or papers on it and a snack on the side. 

That way I usually get to study for 30-40 minutes.

I also stopped having unbelivably high expectations. I try to studay 30 minutes for the classes I like and at least 10 quality minutes for the ones I really hate.

Comment by Reza on October 25, 2015 at 11:01am

Thank you all Tuxedo knux,mubashra,swords dance and roel.

Comment by Roel on October 25, 2015 at 9:09am

I have this, a lot of us have this, and as far as I know there are no methods that can keep you focussed on reality. I'm sorry. But listen,

I went through many many many therapy sessions of kid/student-psychologists that were suppost to learn me how to study in an efficient way but none of it worked. My parents simply don't get it, and the psychologists always conclude that I am just not mentally strong enough for what I'm studying. So I feel you.

There only two things I can advise you, but it's not much.

1) try to get better at realising whene you are daydreaming as fast as possible, so you can pull yourself out of it as fast as possible without daydreaming for full minutes. The thing is that in a few seconds after you've pult yourself out of it, you'll just daydream again. You can't change that. But just keep pulling yourself out of it whenever you are consious of yourself daydreaming.

2) I once came to this site to ask for help for studying as well (It was total panic lol) and someone advised me I should change the schedule of my studying and make it shorter, so it fits inside my concentration span. This means that instead of keeping a ritm where I study for 45 minutes and take a break of 15 minutes, and repeat that over and over. I better study for 15 minutes and take breaks of 5, since there is no way I can stay focused without dreaming for a full 45 minutes.

I hope that kand help you a tiny bit :/

as for how to keep concentrated during the lessons (which usually is the biggest problem) and other things, I have no clue how to do anything about it and I'm still trying to get better at it myself. It feels like a curse indeed. If it wasn't for studying MDD realy wouldn't be that bad. But because it prevents us from studying and developing outside our heads, it's a curse.

However, NEVER GIVE UP and keep on trying. Don't be mad at yourself, don't lose hope. I realy hope someone else that knows more advice reads this post and helps you. If you need to talk some more, just reply to this or contact me or join the chatroom whene we're talking. People here are kind and are always willing to help, it's just that we're not that good at it XD

Good luck and strength!


Comment by alona on October 24, 2015 at 11:50pm

Studying is definitely extremely difficult when your mind just wants to DD. That was in fact the reason I joined WMN. I suppose the only way to study through an extensively DDing mind is through sheer force of will. At least that's what I do, given its not a recognized psychological condition, and therfore, has no known cure.

Comment by Tuxedo Knux on October 24, 2015 at 10:08pm

Honestly I've never been able to truly study on my own, I've always had to make my own study guides; and then I would just read them over and over again.

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