

I'm very new to this and I just discovered this website today. I love it because I've had it all my life and now I have people to talk to about it!


The main daydream I often have is romantic ones. Usually, I see one celebrity I like and have my dreams around that.  I will think of different ways we might meet and fall in love one day. I've always been a fan of the beginings of relationships when everything is new and fun. However, I have never acted out any of these fanticies! I'm not a stalker! Hopefully you don't think I'm too crazy!


I think I do this because I get bored with my life and my current relationships and want to experience the "newness" of a relationship. Am I alone out there?

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Comment by Dreamgirl on April 27, 2011 at 7:00am

I think I do it because I'm craving more from a relationship or that I like the "newness" of relationships. All of my dreams are when people first meet or first start to fall in love. It's bad because I will do this for hours in my head and it needs to stop! I could seriously lay down and dream all day (most of the time the dreams are stuck in my head all day).


I think you are right! I need to avoid any romance novels or movies. That is probably one of my triggers! Thank you.

Comment by Jane Wilson on April 27, 2011 at 4:16am
I think all really good stories are romances at heart.  But the funny thing is I avoid reading books listed as "romances" like the plaque, I always say they will rot your brain!   But my first novel has a romantic element in, not between two humans - too boring.  My romantic protagonist is an alien who is not human, humaniod and does not actually pocess a bone structure!  But the internet is flooded with fiction, I have been to discouraged/depressed to work on doing an e-book. 
Comment by Jane Wilson on April 26, 2011 at 3:37am
Finding a soul mate is an elusive, rare and for most of us an exhaustive possiblitiy.   By creating a individual whose reactions, actions and dialogue you control, it is possible to have great romantic feelings without experience any of the downsides or having your heart broken, unless it is for dramatic effect in the story.  If you can pull such amazing detail in a scene I think you should keep a journal and write it down.  When I write the detail scenery is what is so difficult for me.  I am very much a dialogue, action plot sort of person.  I read manga , watch animie then take the story and adjust it to add my own characters or rewrite it so my character can participate in the story.  I think this is a far more common activity than anyone admits.  What amazes me is when I run into some who can not imagine their own stories, it is so sad.
Comment by Dreamgirl on April 25, 2011 at 9:18pm

I do not think you are weird. In fact I'd rather join your dream world thant mine. I like yours because it is not a specific person you are thinking of and you create cool moments in your head. It sounds like you are a romantic.

My dreams involve one specific person that could be famous or just a regular crush on a guy I know. (Usually it's a person I don't know too well)  Then I start to dream up different senarios of us ending up together. I could be fixed on one person as long as a year. It makes me feel a little weird but I think I might be craving more romance? I could lie in bed dreaming for hours and think about it during the day. Of course, this isn't all I dream about but it is a good chuck of it.

If it makes you feel any better I'm in a great relationship now and have been with him for 6 years. However, this starting long before we ever met and he doesn't know about it. This is the only time I've ever come out with it.

Comment by Klatchki on April 25, 2011 at 8:46pm

Having just found this site myself, the fact that I find a post like this says I am in the right place.

You see, I have a lot of daydreams.

I daydream all the time in some form or another.

The most distinguished form is the romantic daydreaming I have been doing quite literally as long as I can remember. It occurs whenever I am alone and relaxed, like when I'm trying to fall asleep.

No, it's not that. That's different. This completely interrupts that.

I start thinking about a girl I'm fond of (though not always a crush, and not always a real person), and my thoughts begin to form into a plot. Dialogue falls into place based to the girl's personality. Scenery emerges that matches the mood I'm in and the mood the girl puts me in.

Sometimes it's a simple exchange of soft words and shyly, tenderly held hands.

Sometimes a complex situation throws us together and we open up to eachother.

Occasionally an unrelated daydream morphs into a romantic one as the girl intrudes on my thoughts.

Often, a real life event gets a romantic reworking with attention to authenticity.

Every once in a while, a powerful, soul stirring scene precipitates, keeping me awake for half the night, and losing all touch with it's modest start. I map out every minute detail backwards and forwards. Lighting. Smell. Sounds. Every naunce in expression is appreciated. Each moment humms with emotion. I cant stop until I'm exhausted or the scene is complete. So I dont stop as I drift in and out of sleep, waking myself up again and again with it, until I black out.

One of these scenarios is how I've gone to bed every night I've had the energy to string to thoughts together. I'm actually weary of relationships even though I've only had a scant few in real life.

I've never stalked anyone either, by the way. Still think you're weird?

Comment by Dreamgirl on April 25, 2011 at 5:42pm

You are so sweet! Thank you! I've never spoken to anyone about this!


I feel guilty because I'm married and have a great relationship with my husband. I've been doing this ever since I was a kid! I blame it on princess Disney movies! I dream about other stuff but that's usually the main theme.

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on April 25, 2011 at 5:20pm
Romance is a huge theme in my daydreams.  Always has been and probably always will be.  It shows how much love we have.  It's amazing, if you think about it.  We can love even if we have no one there to love.  We can love fully in our own minds.  Almost all my daydream characters are fictional.  I work a few celebrities in now & then, but they're never major characters.  I've seen a lot of people report that they integrate celebrities.  I think this is very common.  You don't sound weirder than any of us.  Lol.

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