Hi everyone, I just got home last night from a 2 week school trip to France. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I'm definitely going to go back some time in the future!

During the trip however, my daydreams seemed to dramatically increase. I think all the new places, situations and surroundings fuelled my imagination and I couldn't help but use these new experiences as inspiration for my fantasies. It was literally occurring every single second, even as I stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, I didn't feel like myself at that moment, I felt like the 'other me.' There were also many long bus trips and we spent a lot of time walking, which also triggered my daydreams.

The strange thing is; I didn't feel frustrated by my daydreams, as I had expected I would. Before I went on the trip, I was really nervous that I would waste the amazing holiday by living inside my head instead of experiencing the beautiful things around me. But instead, I actually feel like my daydreaming made the trip even better for me because I felt as though I wasn't just sharing the experience with my school friends, I was also sharing it with my characters, the people I want to be with most (who, unfortunately, aren't real). The scenarios I created only added to my experience, and they kept me feeling happy the whole time.

I know this all probably sounds very strange, and I'm sure a lot of you might think that the experience would be better without the constant interruption of your mind, but for me, I couldn't imagine it any other way. I loved the trip and I loved sharing it with my other world as well as my real friends. :)

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Comment by Tinkerbell on October 22, 2013 at 10:22am

Glad to hear that you  enjoyed your trip.  Funnily enough usually when I am in a new place I have never been before, I am acutely aware of of my surrounding and on edge because I don't want to have an episode.

Comment by Stormy on October 5, 2013 at 5:58pm

New experiences and adventure always trigger the DDing juices for me.

I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip! I myself would love to visit all the UK one day.

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