I thought I would experiment for the next thirty days and do my best to not MD. Today, there was no MD.  It was difficult as I was walking around the park with my son in his stroller and I wanted to daydream.  Instead, I felt the hot scorching sun on my face and watched other parents with their kids. My son is only 22 months but he always wants to try  the playground equipment that is really for older kids. Really admire his adventurous spirit and his confidence.   I normally now would turn on some music and MD and then go to sleep. I picked up the book "Gilead" at Goodwill today.  It won the Pulitzer Prize a few years back. I will read that instead of MD.  Enjoying some Toad Hollow pinot noir as I write this. 

I figured that since I am not MDing this month or at least trying not too- that I will need to get more social this month.  I joined a mom's group on meetup.com which is really active.  They have one event planned where they are going to Richardson Adventure Farm which has Orbiting. This is where you put yourself in a 11ft giant ball- it looks like a blown-up hamster wheel but for adults- you just run around in it.  I am really excited about that. 


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Comment by Larry on August 19, 2013 at 7:08pm
Give it heck Windy!
Reading is what I do when I can't MD. I think you'll have pretty good luck with that.
But most definitely the " meet-up" with other parents is likely to help considerably.
.....any fate but submission!
Comment by Liz Winning on August 19, 2013 at 12:14am

wow, good for you! :) that sounds really difficult but i admire you for challenging yourself to change

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