Becoming myself! I think this is helping

I am trying to become a bit more like the me in my dd for example the me in my dd plays instuments and sings. I am now doing this and it turns out I really like it and I am more satisfied. Sure I am not playing in front of millions but it's just so more real and more myself. Unlike my dd self I never did much I was just there I use to just be a by stander who just blended in but I want to become my dd self the person I know I am. I took on track and am trying to talk to people now. I am hanging out with friends and trying to smile more. The more I try to be my dd self the more happy I become. I want to live the life I dd about. I know there are limitations and there are thing we can't do and it sucks we can't be perfect no matter how hard we try. I am not the best singer or runner. I don't have powers or rich/famous but I am real and myself. I think if we try to be who we want to be even if we fail or it's hard we can still be a bit happier. I wish I could have lived a perfect life but I made mistakes but maybe thats what makes life more real than dd.

Maybe I am just rambling haha and I still am going to dd because I honestly don't think it's bad. I think it makes us unique and creative we are writers and artists. We live many lives.

Thanks everyone who has ever helped me out and supported me.


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Comment by ashlee on July 19, 2012 at 12:41am

im not in my daydreams, but i have been trying to be more like my characters too because theyre all what i want to be...
im just to embarassed to be myself i guess....but i guess mt daydreams are making me feel ok with being myself? i dont know haha. 

i dont think daydreaming is bad either!i dont even know what id do all day if i didnt daydream, that'd be weird :/

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