Hi Everyone,

My name is Jade, and I have been suffering from MD for as long as I can remember. A couple of days ago I googled my symptoms and found this site! I was floored; I truly believed I was the only person on the planet who invented characters in my mind, put on my ipod and ran, jumped, paced, and skipped around the house. I had named these episodes "Escapades" and once was caught by my mother jumping on the sofa. (I'd kept this a secret; only doing so when my family members weren't at home) I told her I was exercising, and we left it at that. That was in 1998. A year earlier I had confided my "Escapades" to my sister, and she seemed confused. I'd even spoken to my therapist about it, and she said: "You just have a vivid imagination." Which is true; I am a published poet. But the running, skipping, jumping and pacing? I am crying as I type this because I thought I was alone and crazy. I try to stop but I can't. When I go in public, which isn't often, I catch myself making facial expressions that my characters make. I am going to tell my therapist about this site; and hopefully she will understand that there IS a name for this. Thanks so much for making me feel welcome and normal.

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Comment by Zoe on August 26, 2012 at 3:51am

I think everyone was quite relieved when they found this site. I also find myself making the same facial expressions as my character in a DD. 

Anyways welcome! :)

Comment by Poopsie Holbrook on August 25, 2012 at 4:06pm

lol totally not my name. its a drag name like your first pets name and the street you first lived on.

Comment by Jade Imani on August 25, 2012 at 4:02pm

Poopsie(Love that name) I am happy to meet you.

Comment by Poopsie Holbrook on August 25, 2012 at 3:17pm

I wish it was better studied but it is awesome to have a name for it. My family and friends have all caught me doing it. I do things with my hands while I day dream. Its nice to know I'm not just weird freak twitching my fingers uncontrollably.

Comment by Jade Imani on August 25, 2012 at 1:49pm

Hi Hunter, thank you for the welcome. I feel better.

Comment by Jade Imani on August 25, 2012 at 1:16pm

I wanted to add that I won't be able to follow my posts much because I am using someone's else's computer...I can view everything on my phone but it's a piece of crap. So please don't think I am ignoring anyone. I plan to get my my own computer ASAP.

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