The Lost Self

Usually in my daydreams, I am this highly well-read and eloquent person speaking on very intellectual subjects in an assembly of people I know in real life and everyone of whom I wanted to impress with my skills and prove that I am capable, but for a myriad reasons couldn't(and those reasons including MD's excruciating by product-OCD,atleast in my life,are a discussion for another day)However the point that I seek to broach today is this that In my daydreams I feel more alive than…


Added by MARISHA SINGH on February 22, 2018 at 6:00am — No Comments

An Introductory Blog-To Be Continued..

Hello People! 


This is my absolute first blog so allow me to extend my warm greetings to all of you.It's an absolute relief to know that I am not the only one in this world with this weird disorder(I know this line has become monotonous now as every Mder says it)which,I discovered a few months back,had a name,Thanks to Prof. Eli Somer,and my gratitude for the person who came up with the idea of creating this website for all of us which not only gives me a platform to…


Added by MARISHA SINGH on October 4, 2017 at 10:40am — 3 Comments

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