Bee's Blog – November 2015 Archive (2)

MD and Science

So I've converted the old MD/Dissociation thread into a more wider scope - a place to discuss old and new studies and research that effect the MD community as a whole. :)

We have the research papers on the "links" page and it seems we're still waiting for the results of Dr Somer's latest study? If anyone has found this let me know please - it was suppose to have been released by now.

Added by Bee on November 9, 2015 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

The Silliest Thing to go Bananas Over...

So there's was this online community I've been a part of for like 23 years (it was the community for a comic I'm way to into and it is tied to my MD). It was a generally good place. We pissed each other off, but everyone got along and were good people.

We had a saint keeping everyone together. And I'm not kidding, one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. I don't think she ever said a unkind word to anyone in her life. She kept everyone together and was kinda our heart (and I know…


Added by Bee on November 3, 2015 at 9:30am — 9 Comments

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