It has been great to finally discover what really my problem is - MD, as it is called. Like various others here, from whose posts I could judge that they are experiencing problems similar to mine, it…Continue
"Hello! Nice to see you here and welcome to the forum!
A few people mentioned headaches in association with MD. There are obviously no studies regarding this, but the probability of a common pathophysiological process that causes both, or one causing…"
It has been great to finally discover what really my problem is - MD, as it is called. Like various others here, from whose posts I could judge that they are experiencing problems similar to mine, it gave me comfort in knowing that I am not alone out here.I would have you all reading this know that I am a student and MD is disrupting my life - academic, social (though there's not much social life during the pandemic, especially owing to the 2nd Covid wave in India) as well as personal. You see,…See More
"I have been experiencing headaches from daydreaming for about a month - sort of like what you are describing, but in my case, the level of pain is seldom so severe that it interferes with my daily tasks, but I can tell that there is a light, mostly…"