I have seen a few videos of people and what they look like when they are daydreaming like we do. What I wondered to myself - and now to you - is if someone or you taped yourself while MDing, would you watch it?

I have thought about what I look like when I do this, but I'm normally so caught up in my daydream or moving so fast that I don't pay attention when I past mirrors (I could also be subconsciously refusing to look). I don't know if I could watch myself. I feel that I already look weird so seeing it might make me feel worse.

On the other hand, I'm genuinely curious as to what my parents and brother see when they catch me doing this. So what are your thoughts?? Would you watch to see what you looked like? or Have you already? (with a pre-setup video camera, someone caught you on tape, webcam, etc).


PS. I don't think I've seen this has been discussed yet and I've looked through several pages of older forums, but if so I apologize and just let me know.

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Oh my gosh Elizabeth. I've thought the same thing. One time I even looked in the mirror and I scared myself. Really. I thought I was a freak and that I was posessed when I saw myself. I havn't done it since. It makes me think I have a severe case of Maladaptive Daydreaming.

I feel like it would be extremely disturbing to see. When I see senile homeless people muttering to themselves and acting on the street I find it bothersome simply because it is not normal. Ever since I was a small child I've been very careful of not being caught daydreaming. I remember being particularly upset one night when I'd been saying things out loud (a habit I broke young) and it turned out my mother had been sitting in the other room with the door open and could hear me. Why this didn't raise any red flags to her, I have no clue, haha. 

I would be far too embarrassed. :/

I would only watch myself if I was trying to quit, because I'm sure I look ridiculous.

Really interesting discussion!


I feel the same as all of you I think... it would be so embarrassing to watI'm sure I look very weird pacing back and forth, talkng to imaginary people so being able to see myself do that would make me think I'm completely nuts.

I've always been worried people can see me daydreaming.  I constantly check for cracks in the curtains.  When I was little (about 7) I told my mum I daydream a lot and I worry that people would see me daydream and think I was strange.  She was very dismissive.  I think adults expect children to daydream, but they also expect children will grow out of it.

I live alone now so my parents can no longer hear floorboards creaking as I'm pacing up and down.  When they used to walk in on me DDing I would also pretend I was walking to get something from the otherside of the room.


I refuse to watch myself do it. I tend to ignore mirrors, and recently have kept away from any mirrors while I'm daydreaming. I think it hurts too much to see myself; I get too embarrassed, even when nobody is around.

On that note, I've walked in on my fiance doing it plenty of times, and she always immediately stops in embarrassment. Even though it's still apart of both of our lives, we don't like to address it.

She probably just thought you were talking to an imaginary friends, which is not uncommon in kids, and just dismissed it as something kids do.

Kirsty Amhert said:

I feel like it would be extremely disturbing to see. When I see senile homeless people muttering to themselves and acting on the street I find it bothersome simply because it is not normal. Ever since I was a small child I've been very careful of not being caught daydreaming. I remember being particularly upset one night when I'd been saying things out loud (a habit I broke young) and it turned out my mother had been sitting in the other room with the door open and could hear me. Why this didn't raise any red flags to her, I have no clue, haha. 

I have actually thought about doing this many times! I think it would be interesting to set up a camera and get a DDing session on film but i dont know if i would able to watch it.  i know i would be mortified actually witnessing it and it would just make me feel like a complete freak.

I think i'd find it hard to watch, because i move around a lot, facial expressions and everything. It would scare me a bit, just because i'd look kinda nutts. I'd find it hard to MD knowing that i was recording myself. However it would be kind of interesting, because your a completely different person when you do it....or maybe not....maybe you are just being you....but it shines out more when you do it.


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