When 'giving up' should i let myself have set times?

I'm new here. I don't really want to give up 100%, just get it more under control.

Do you allow yourself set times of the day to daydream, or during set activities? The thought of never daydreaming again makes me sad, and just this morning trying not to made me feel so tight in my chest.

Is it best to strike a balance rather than going cold turkey?

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Actually, it's the other way around for me. I daydreamed heavily for a good 20 years, but felt like I blew my life away, which is kind of scary. I only used my daydreams as an escapism from my real life. I didn't fit into the crowd and everyone laughed at me for being shy awkward and solemn looking. So I indulged myself into daydream worlds that were never there. Now I feel so wrong about it. I lack a strong educational background and struggle to find better work. I'm still not happy with my current situation. I've got absolutely no friends and no partner. It's all because I got distracted by my daydreaming. Crazy enough, I believed some of my fantasies would come true. They did not. So it's sad that I felt hard for something that wasn't real, when I should've made my reality even better.

Thank you for sharing your story with us,  I would strongly recommend reading this amazing article (Link below), it should answer all of your questions.


All the Best.


Silver Swan  Read this article, It helped me.


I stopped daydreaming entirely, but when I look back at everything, I start to cringe. I've lost so many opportunities and lost the chance to experience relationships. I was always out and about on my own. This shouldn't happen to anybody. Overall, I lived in my head way too much. I found out later that's very bad for you. The older you are, the worse it gets, if you don't keep it active.


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