Im sorry, I just love love LOVE hearing about everybody elses daydreams. Everybody on here is so interesting and creative! I just want a little insight about whats going on in everybodies wild minds. If your uncomfortable about this or if your daydreams are more privates then i totally understand. Thanks for sharing :)

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Amen to that, Patty.  Most interesting, indeed.
Greyartist, who would you like to see as Jamie?  And don't the women on that web-site all seem in love with Jamie.  It gives some insight into so-called normal DD's.  Maybe I'll start a thread there, asking if anyone imagines herself with Jamie .  How should I word it to get at whether they have MD, or as a way of differentiating these kinds of DD's.  I find that very interesting.


Well I think David Wenham would be a good one. He was in Lord of the Rings and 300. Has redish hair and can use a sword. I was not one to fall for his character. The part where he beat her with his belt, I would not have been so forgiving, mideval or not. He's too young for me any way. ;) 

my current daydream? lemme think of a good one hmmm... ah yes a good one I have is where I am in an *ahem* fantasy world that well...makes absolutely no freaking sense. my goal is to discover what it's all about and why I'm there and save it! But the world keeps throwing me tons of surprises, one of the main themes of it is that I escaped from my boring and miserable ordinary life and went off to do something meaningful. There's a ton more details to it, but that's it in complete laymen's terms, but do tell me if you want me to elaborate!
Please elaborate.

I have to defeat a villain, but this villain doesn't seem very ordinary. He knows exactly how to manipulate my thoughts and desires and almost manages to defeat me every time I encounter him. Oftentimes he uses the messed up logic of the world I have found myself in to trick me into making the wrong decision when I come into conflict with him. I'm still trying to figure out exactly who he is.

Also in the daydream I'm friends with a wise sage, he knows magic and all that good stuff, but the most beneficial of all his talents is to help me put things in perspective. He wants to train me to use my mind to overcome challenges and think logically, which is actually helping me in the real world.

The world I find myself in is actually the ruins of a civilization that managed to destroy itself about a thousand years before the events of my daydream. Almost everything has reverted to a state of being primitive, but I always find remnants of a society gone mad.

That's about all I know to elaborate, I'd like to keep names and places to myself though, I think everyone here can understand that feeling xD

Wow, how fascinating that the sage's greatest talent is putting things in perspective.  That is very profound and makes me think about my own worlds.

I third the opinion that while MD may have its drawbacks, the products of it are very interesting, quite something to observe. My current daydream is one of the stories I invented myself, which has an inspired combination of history, sociology, psychology and philosophy. As this sounds rather complex, I'll just give you a snippet of it here.


It takes place in post-World War II (1950s) Americas, where a lone miitary doctor returns to Chile from a civil war. Dr. Jacob Pengrych - as this man is named - has always known that he has schizoid personality disorder, which is indicated by his lack of empathy and interest in relationships with other people. Why he became a doctor is a long story in itself. 


Meanwhile, a woman named Judy Beed, is a chef at a girls' orphanage in San Francisco, as well as a supervisor for the girls there. She is the adopted daughter of a neurologist Dr. Beed, who was also her doctor when she was hospitalized in India because of a rare brain condition.


Connection? Judy and Jacob both know each other as they were once child survivors of war and human experimentation in China. Both of them were already psychologically and emotionally afflicted to begin with, and Jacob's disorder and Oliva's condition have long since been a symbolic part in the story… the story in which one's own identity and feelings have to be compromised to learn what it takes just to be alive, which most people generally seem to take for granted.


The funny thing is, I pretend that this is also a book written by an imaginary author I made up… like a story within a story, you know? No wonder I really enjoy daydreaming so immensely. My favourite part is inventing backgrounds for characters, making them as culturally diverse and realistic as I can to inspire the process of stories like these.

Well I have about 2 at this moment. However, one of my old DDs was based off a cartoon I used to watch when I was 9 or 10, Horseland. Yes, I love horses.

Anyway, I have recently joined and I found some fanfics of the show... and now one of my old DDs has been resurrected! Well, a bit. I often have 2 DDs at the same time.

Anyway, my main daydream is set in ancient Egypt. (Yay! I made a joke! And nobody realised! As usual! Lol!)

It is based off of an xbox game. As usual, DD me has appeared there with a perfectly logical reason, the main character has become my boyfriend, and I have regained my magic powers! Hooray!

Since this DD feels quite personal since it is my main one at the moment, I won't post it on here, but I might tell you if you PM me, just don't blab it everywhere! Lol.

Wow! For me, that was a short reply!

Right now I'm having my longest daydream ever (Approaching a month and a half). It centres around existential nihilism, morality, and the evils of humanity. I APOLOGIZE FOR HOW LONG IT IS.

It started after I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes. There's a bonobo in it. I searched them up on wikipedia and found that I liked them.

Anyways, it starts off around the same time I'm born (A bonobo whose mother was given drugs that boost brain growth, the effects of which I inhered), VERY similar to Rise of the Planet of the Apes. My mother is protective of me; the other apes get euthanized, and I'm sent home with a couple (My real life parents) who take care of me and teach me American Sign Language (I also understand English). I become interested in a large range of things, such as computer gaming, philosophy, hand to hand combat and crossbows. When I am four years old, someone prank calls the police, saying that my house was being invaded. The police knock on my door while my "parents" are both at work, so at first I pretend that no one is home. They break down the door (Obviously this was a very serious-sounding prank call) and notice me. The female officer motions for the male to get a tranquilizer from the police car, and he does. He aims it at me, but I get out of the way just in time. I grab a plank (My dad was doing some repair work in the backyard) and hold it in front of me. The female officer grabs her gun. I notice this and drop the plank. They take me to a veterinarian's office and arrest my parents.

They petition for me to be put in the zoo temporarily rather than be euthanized, and the veterinarian agrees. I try to socialize with the other bonobos, but the leader picks on me. About two weeks later, after being picked on for the entirety of my stay, I fight back. I climb up a tree in the centre of the cage and jump onto the slanted bars, hanging upside-down. The leader looks up at me, confused and frustrated. I jump down, slamming into him. The two other bonobos accept me as the new leader.

One night, I overhear a zookeeper talking about how my mother was given a drug (He names it, but only my character knows it. I don't.) that made her, and subsequently myself, more intelligent. He also mentions that I am to be put down on court order in three days.

I climb back up to the spot where I jumped down on the other bonobo, and begin stressing out one metal bar.

The next day, it breaks free. I escape and head to the facility where the drug was manufactured. There are several containers (gas released) on a shelf. I take as many as I can hold and run back to the zoo. I find a European Magpie (Most intelligent bird - can recognize itself in a mirror) watching me. I hold out a container and slowly release the gas. The magpie comes closer, inhaling some of the gas. It falls asleep.

The next morning, it is watching me. Its eyes changed colour (Big ROTPOTA ripoff, I know) and appears more intelligent than before. It pieces together memories of humans talking and has a rudimentary knowledge of English. I write some instructions on a piece of paper and he carries them out.

At nightfall, he was delaying the zookeepers around certain cages so that I could release the drug among select creatures.

I give it to the other bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, as well as the elephants and some more magpies.

At dawn, I inform them of the situation and they agree to follow me to escape the zoo.

We are seen trying to escape and run into a tunnel (Part of the Calgary Zoo) while police officers surround the area. I have the gorillas rip out stuff from the sides to form a basic shield, and have the magpies (Except for the first one given the drug) search for gaps in the human defences. They find one and I have the elephants lead the way, shields in front. We escape with only one casualty - A magpie who was shot when the cops realized he was spying on them. We head into rural areas, then into the Rocky Mountains. We make our way to a dock in Vancouver, and take over a cargo ship.

We sail to somewhere near the large group of islands between Asia and Australia before authorities realize we killed everyone who was on the ship. A  few ships are sent out by the Canadian government to intercept us, and we are surrounded. The next bit is REALLY repetitive, so I'll simplify it.

We fight off a couple of ships before we begin to sink. We barely manage to reach a nearby island, but are presumed dead. We build a base there and live happy for a couple of years. I make contact with a Minecraft server I was a moderator on and was playing on when the police knocked on my door, and inform them of my situation - including that I am a bonobo.

Around december of 2013, a news agency reports sightings of us on google earth. We are attacked by the Canadian and American militaries, killing about 400 soldiers. (For the next two years it's wave after wave, with me showing mercy to captured enemy soldiers. Suspension of disbelief required. Also, we give the drug to some wild apes in Africa, who come join us. We have a population of about 500)

Liechtenstein sends a few soldiers and a reporter over to investigate the island, and shoot my wife (After she had my child). I look at them, and a soldier asks if I am ready to die. I pause for a moment, and then shout "NO!", my first non-ape vocalization. Every intelligent creature watching is shocked. I overpower the soldiers and take the camera, shouting "NO!" into it repeatedly before destroying it. It was streaming live, so the Liechtenstein news agency the reporter works for sends footage to several popular news shows. There is public outrage as apes are shown being shot down by soldiers, and my tear-filled face before I say no.

The U.N. recognizes our existence as a country and we make millions off of game development, even giving countries like Greece (A.K.A. poor economy countries) blueprints for highly efficient pedal-powered cars. The cars are a hit and we make millions more from royalties. Eventually, the U.N. grows tired of us undermining the balance of power and declares war. Prior to this, we had several hundred containers of the brain growth drug sent to us. We find out that it is deadly to humans, and spread it in airports across the world, while simply shooting down other places from pedal-powered helicopters (Of  our own design). We even capture a U.S. nuke and hide it under our tiny island.

Two years later, most of the human race is dead and we are growing in population. The elephants leave for the African savannah and the one surviving magpie (The first creature I made intelligent) reproduces with hundreds of magpies across the world. Some creatures are developing human-like larynxes, including the magpie.

Two more years and a small band of surviving U.S. Marines attacks us, capturing me. They decide to execute me by rapid freezing (Simultaneously testing cryogenic technology). The place I am being held at is raided by apes, but I am not found.

Eighty years later, I unfreeze to find a world unlike the one I had known. I stumble around before finding a boat and sailing back to the island, where some apes recognize me as the leader from 80 years earlier. I find the drug boosts life expectancy in apes from 40 years to about 70 years. A few apes actually know me, and I become leader again. I visit a prosperous settlement of human survivors, and forge a peace treaty with them. I meet an old man there (Born 7 years before me - 11 when I was captured by police)  and he says that he can forgive me for the big events I set in place. I tell him I plan to freeze myself to learn if what  I did is for the better, but he disagrees. I freeze myself anyways and wake up 500 years later in a library basement (Doubling as a burial ground for important citizens). I find a coffin containing the old man's body and cry for half an hour before someone, expecting my unfreezing to be today, comes down and finds me.

I find out that the apes who had stayed with me in the village had bred with the humans (My son was one of the apes) and there was now a hybrid species. (Hair similar to these guys) I travel back to the ape island and find it is a human-hunting Planet of the Apes - style society, but more advanced. I find human and human/ape crossbreed prisoners being tortured to death. One particularly strong human is in a cage with a human/ape and a hungry tiger. They manage to hold it at bay long enough for me to find a crossbow (Sorry if it was unclear - this is the apes' main weapon) and shoot some of the ape guards, and then rush over and unlock the cage, shooting the tiger as well.

I remember the way to the captured bomb and set it to blow up in one hour. I rescue all the human sympathizers I can and head to a tiny island nearby, with a less human-hating society of apes. I become leader and preserve human culture by building libraries and having books copied from other libraries across the world (Mostly rubble, some from survivor villages).

I suffer a heart attack and my people cryogenically freeze me after I die. (Age 34)


I wake up 5000 years later to the sound of "Clear!" in a British accent. Above me is a human/ape mix, slightly less hair than 5000 years ago.

I find that their culture is socialist (my own personal beliefs), but also democratic. I am hailed as a reborn hero and quickly become the newest President. I united all the human and human/ape settlements across the world under one flag, and rediscover a room with backups of the entire internet from 5500 years earlier. I spread this knowledge to my people and they become highly cultured. The next long while is sort of filler - the original magpie turns out to have been frozen and becomes my main advisor, I almost get assassinated a few times, and I begin a space program whilst writing philosophical texts surrounding existential nihilism (Which I believe) and morality.

A large civil war breaks out between people supporting a capitalist movement and the socialist government. I am shot in the chest with a crossbow bolt, then cryogenically frozen again. Two hundred years later, I wake up to a world suffering from a less severe form of the Left/Right struggle two hundred years earlier. I am the only intelligent pure ape in the world - everyone else is human/ape, and my magpie friend (Who decided to name himself Nietzche when he realized he needed a name) is unfrozen as well. I fix the problems and become president again, making contact with an amoeba-like race from a moon of jupiter, always on the far side of the planet. They introduce me to the galactic union (Like the U.N.) and Earth is made a member. Earth scientists invent a way of travelling faster than light (extra-dimensional rooms that can make 1 lightyear take an hour to walk), and Earth becomes a galactic trade centre. There is a vote for Galactic Union Leader, it is me vs. the incumbent. While we are voting, a strange alien (Humanoid with a black armour-like exoskeleton and a gun that fires exploding lasers) attacks. I feign surrender, then stab him in the eye (Usually covered by exoskeleton, this guy lifted the exoskeleton up from in front of it), reaching his brain and killing him. War breaks out between the Milky Way Galaxy and the strangers. This is where I am at now in the daydream.


It's so satisfying to share this with people who don't think I'm crazy. (My friends at school hate hearing about my daydreams).

@Jared: Amazing... o__o Funny, that movie inspired a new daydream for me as well (cuz it was so awesome), but it's not nearly as elaborate as yours. I'm still like...shocked. Wow. I wonder how much further it's going to get and what's going to happen next.
@Patty: Ugh I hate it when that happens. I've got a decent one going on now, but I can feel it starting to slip. Not nearly as exciting as when it first started. I'm trying to build onto it or twist it in an interesting way.


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