
I made this thread about the famous project because the original post was a blog post and new people couldn't see it at all!
The Famous Project is a video project, where maladaptive daydreamers pretend to become their imaginary selves for a short time, and talk about their dream lives in an interview situation. (read about it here: http://thefamousproject.tumblr.com/post/79875829596/what-is-the-fam...)
I'm proud to say we now have two videos, so I made a YouTube channel to accompany the tumblr. site!
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0frUJW9dzXby1q92fXwag/feed
Tumblr: http://thefamousproject.tumblr.com/
It's absolutely fun! I hope we'll have more free time during summer and I can expand the video collection with more brilliant interviews! Remember- ANYONE CAN JOIN ANY TIME!
You can upload your own video to YouTube or send it to the- themddproject@gmail.com - e-mail address!