I've been quite good lately with daydreaming insofar as although I'm still bad it's not quite so all encompassing and obsessive as it has been formerly.
I've found there are certain trigger points I must avoid:
Spending too much time alone
Social media/YouTube etc
Music - I love music but it's really bad for me, the only time I'm allowing myself to listen is in the car where I have to concentrate anyway.
The news - getting cross with world affairs is one thing that drove me into escapism in the first place!
I'm still relapsing, like at work it's so dull daydreaming keeps me sane, but I am trying to improve. It got to the stage where it was crippling me. There are what I think as good daydreams, the kind that enhance your life, and then there are the bad daydreams where I obsessively think the same thing over and over like a nervous tic, and it makes me unhappy and miserable. I'm trying at least to get rid of the bad daydreams...
I actually read a book which is a start!
So I'm 5 days into my plan... I wonder if I can keep it up?!

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