Hello friends,

If anyone of you is willing to, please tell me the story in your MD in as much detail as possible. I've had  several plot lines over years during my MD experience, but I have observed a common basic theme running through all of them (other than the very well known fact that the protagonist is a perfect person  ). So I was wondering if it is more or less the same story that is actually going on in all of our heads. 

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been living MD for ever. Sometimes the characters change based on my new obsession. but there are significant back stories, including extended family members. Conflicts are created in my MD world that require resolution that only I have the answer to. It's gotten worse as i've gotten older and I see no end in sight. I'm 56 and been suffering from MD for over 40 years. I'm functional-i.e. I hold down a job, I'm married, we have one adult child and I have multipole degrees. Outward looking I'm completely normal but the truth is that my OCD allows me to maintain my MD world.

You've continued to live with MD for this long, why are you saying  'it's getting worse'? 

Can you tell those significant back stories.

Lyn Johnson said:

been living MD for ever. Sometimes the characters change based on my new obsession. but there are significant back stories, including extended family members. Conflicts are created in my MD world that require resolution that only I have the answer to. It's gotten worse as i've gotten older and I see no end in sight. I'm 56 and been suffering from MD for over 40 years. I'm functional-i.e. I hold down a job, I'm married, we have one adult child and I have multipole degrees. Outward looking I'm completely normal but the truth is that my OCD allows me to maintain my MD world.

I used to do MD, but I actually stopped. My stories were a mishmash of repetitive content in areas of science fiction, adventure, passion and thriller. They weren't exactly straight on developing stories that were virtual and intricate. Rather, I focused on a certain moment and dwelled on it over again. There was usually very loud bursts of music in the scene and I'd make the story change a bit differently each time. 

I stopped because I couldn't be caught dead doing MD. Many people can easily see that I wonder and they think I have a serious problem. It just gets so embarrassing. My family is perfectly aware that I tend to dream a lot. Apparently, I'm not married, out of work and live with my folks. By the way, I'm 34 years old. 

Hey, I just found this place, and I'm thrilled to be able to actually talk to someone about these things. I had no idea, that what I have done my whole life has a name. I have been able to maintain a pretty normal life - besides from the fact that I can't sleep because I MD for hours. Anyways, for the last year something has happened. Ehm.. This is the most embarrasing thing I have ever shared, but since I was 13 (I'm 26 now) I have build this world up, and in this world I'm the main character and I am best friends with Eminem... Oh my god, I feel so stupid. But here we go... Throughout my teenage years and as an adult, I have spent so much time in this world, and there are memories, development etc. But I have a boyfriend, I have a daugther, I have a life that needs my attendens, so I have forced myself to not DM that much during the day and the moment my head hits the pillow I will go straight into what I call storymode. But I've been building new worlds and new stories, because I thought that the whole being friends with Eminem was just too stupid. I have really forced that into a chest in my mind and I have locked it up and thrown the key away. But - and this is where it gets really dumb (but also where the struggles of MD becomes so devestating) - I miss him so much. That is, the Eminem I have created in my strange little mind. I have no idea where I was going with this, I just really needed to share, because I'm actually really sad and I don't really know how to deal with it.
Oh, and I'm danish, so my english is not perfect. Sorry :)

You've had this MD life with the American rapper. Yeah, I find my MD really embarrassing too. My fictional world started with James T. Kirk when he was 35. I got inspired by a science fiction documentary, followed by an original Star Trek episode. I instantly had a crush on his character. I was 12 (I'm now 34). I now regret it, this lead to more worlds for years to come, and it effected where my life went. People began noticing that I was in another world, because my eyes looked dazed or far off. Yes, I failed to hide it. Now I live with my parents and I have no job. No children and partner. I'm single. 

So what was your relationship like with the Eminem? Was it romantic? If yes, how could you sustain a real life relationship with your boyfriend. Because in my case whenever I had a crush in real life my MD world would fade out and MD would be most intense when in real life there was no one too good to pay attention to.

Jessica said:

Hey, I just found this place, and I'm thrilled to be able to actually talk to someone about these things. I had no idea, that what I have done my whole life has a name. I have been able to maintain a pretty normal life - besides from the fact that I can't sleep because I MD for hours. Anyways, for the last year something has happened. Ehm.. This is the most embarrasing thing I have ever shared, but since I was 13 (I'm 26 now) I have build this world up, and in this world I'm the main character and I am best friends with Eminem... Oh my god, I feel so stupid. But here we go... Throughout my teenage years and as an adult, I have spent so much time in this world, and there are memories, development etc. But I have a boyfriend, I have a daugther, I have a life that needs my attendens, so I have forced myself to not DM that much during the day and the moment my head hits the pillow I will go straight into what I call storymode. But I've been building new worlds and new stories, because I thought that the whole being friends with Eminem was just too stupid. I have really forced that into a chest in my mind and I have locked it up and thrown the key away. But - and this is where it gets really dumb (but also where the struggles of MD becomes so devestating) - I miss him so much. That is, the Eminem I have created in my strange little mind. I have no idea where I was going with this, I just really needed to share, because I'm actually really sad and I don't really know how to deal with it.

Looks like we all have a celebrity in our stories at least once. I too inserted a footballer in mine but that was just for a while( a few months may be), although he was never more important than the imaginary male character I had built up for years. One more thing I noticed that the most absorbing stories of my MD were the ones that had a love triangle.

real life-I'm married to an amazing man, we have 2 dgrts,  I have completed 2 masters degrees and 1 phd , a second PhD is in progress, I am quite successful professionally.

MD- I am 29, English, a professional, renowned ballet dancer-.a philanthropist. Married to an actor and also in a committed relation with a different famous actor. We live outside of London in Kent on a renovated working farm with my 4 year old daughter(dad is actor #1) and my  9 month old twin boys(each actor fathered one of the twins) . Did I mention we are friends with the younger royals? 

Varaa said:

You've continued to live with MD for this long, why are you saying  'it's getting worse'? 

Can you tell those significant back stories.

Lyn Johnson said:

been living MD for ever. Sometimes the characters change based on my new obsession. but there are significant back stories, including extended family members. Conflicts are created in my MD world that require resolution that only I have the answer to. It's gotten worse as i've gotten older and I see no end in sight. I'm 56 and been suffering from MD for over 40 years. I'm functional-i.e. I hold down a job, I'm married, we have one adult child and I have multipole degrees. Outward looking I'm completely normal but the truth is that my OCD allows me to maintain my MD world.

Hi Jessica don't be embarrassed. You and Eminim, me and Alexander Skaarsgard and Tom Hiddleston-there I said it. 

Jessica said:

Hey, I just found this place, and I'm thrilled to be able to actually talk to someone about these things. I had no idea, that what I have done my whole life has a name. I have been able to maintain a pretty normal life - besides from the fact that I can't sleep because I MD for hours. Anyways, for the last year something has happened. Ehm.. This is the most embarrasing thing I have ever shared, but since I was 13 (I'm 26 now) I have build this world up, and in this world I'm the main character and I am best friends with Eminem... Oh my god, I feel so stupid. But here we go... Throughout my teenage years and as an adult, I have spent so much time in this world, and there are memories, development etc. But I have a boyfriend, I have a daugther, I have a life that needs my attendens, so I have forced myself to not DM that much during the day and the moment my head hits the pillow I will go straight into what I call storymode. But I've been building new worlds and new stories, because I thought that the whole being friends with Eminem was just too stupid. I have really forced that into a chest in my mind and I have locked it up and thrown the key away. But - and this is where it gets really dumb (but also where the struggles of MD becomes so devestating) - I miss him so much. That is, the Eminem I have created in my strange little mind. I have no idea where I was going with this, I just really needed to share, because I'm actually really sad and I don't really know how to deal with it.

Many things are common in our MD. When I used to MD, I had the story of my whole lifetime created in my mind and I would concentrate on a different period at different times. I also had one daughter and younger twin boys (what's so special about this combination!) all 3 have same Dad, the husband. The outrageous part is that the twins fall in love and have relationship with the same girl in their teenage.

I had the ability but I was not successful for the most part of my life because of MD. How did you @Lyn manage to be successful, parallelly being engrossed in your MD world?

I have no idea why or how I became successful.  I've returned to school to purse a second doctoral degree. I work full time. Outwardly focusing things seem so normal but I know they aren't. I also suffer from chronic depression. Diagnosed at 19 and I have  been on meds since the age of 20.  Interestingly enough my marriage is and has always been open/poly at times.  There have been times in the past where the only option seemed like suicide-I tried and failed once. I think I just got lucky.


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