I was watching the latest biggest finale (I love that show, I very much relate to the contestants) and the winner gave this great speech about how he had overcome all the bad things in his life by having small successes and somehow tying them together. That had taught him how to be a winner again. That struck a core. Big steps are hard for me with MD, but what if I can take baby steps and link them together?
Year 2012, 12 months, 12 challenges, 30 days each... I haven't planned the whole year out, one month at a time. each small step interlacing my real world self and MD persona closer together.
Each month I'm starting a discussion "January 2012" an so on, each day I'm going to try to make  a small journal entry. At the end of the month I'm going to make a blog summary (hopefully with some pics) of the month. By journaling the ups and downs.  By trying to measure my efforts I really hope that I can stay motivated and see this through. 
If there is anyone else who wants to join in, you are more than welcome! Your goals and monthly challenge can differ from mine. 
So January. The first order of business is for me to chuck out my ADSL, tv and put my computer under lock and bolt. These are all major culprits in my MD taking a turn for the supernatural and ostentatiousness that will kill my new years resolution. Btw via cellphone  I can't access my blog or most of the other stuff on this site. 
January is media detox and back to basics month. In MD I'm a very fit (runs marathons, has abs) and very organized person. In real life, the only exercise I get is running to the subway in the morning, because I never can find my stuff so I'm always running late...
This month I will:1 get 8hours of sleep2 work out, at least 3 times per week3 eat a balanced diet (no more potato chips for dinner)4 clean and organize my home5 only DD about actual me 

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Good for you!  I completely agree with the statement about having small successes and linking them together.  I'm actually working through weight loss right now and through that journey the one thing that I'd stress to you is not to take on too much all at once.  That was totally my downfall and it was overwhelming.  But the thing was that I didn't think it was too much.  It wasn't full scale weight loss regiment.  But they were big enough changes that the changes together totally overwhelmed me and then I didn't want to do anything.  So I'm trying to start recognizing the small victories and take things a bit more slowly which is helping.

I guess my point is that I think it's great that you're planning goals and scheduling a path for the year.  I'd just recommend taking a step back and making sure that a full media detox isn't too much at once along with sleeping right, exercising 3 times a week and eating a balanced diet and cleaning and organizing.  You're basically taking it all on at once.  :-)  If you can do it then please email me the formula because I'm totally jealous.  Otherwise, scale it back a bit so that you're not setting yourself up for failure.  After all we're not doing this on a tv show where they have dedicated resources and time.

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box now.  :-)  Good for you in general.  I can't really tackle the MD right now because I'm working on getting healthy physically.  I can only take on so much at once.  But I think that it's great that you're working toward it if its something that you want for yourself.  Please keep us updated on your progress.

Happy New Year! 

You are making a valid point, I do tend to take on to much at once and then cave under the pressure... But my media detox is giving massive amounts of free time and I need to fill it with something. It's like smokers who chew gum when trying to quit. However, had I been following a  weightloss plan, I would have cut back on the other stuff. Good luck with it and please keep me updated, 2012 is going to be awesome! 

aliasihaya said:

Good for you!  I completely agree with the statement about having small successes and linking them together.  I'm actually working through weight loss right now and through that journey the one thing that I'd stress to you is not to take on too much all at once.  That was totally my downfall and it was overwhelming.  But the thing was that I didn't think it was too much.  It wasn't full scale weight loss regiment.  But they were big enough changes that the changes together totally overwhelmed me and then I didn't want to do anything.  So I'm trying to start recognizing the small victories and take things a bit more slowly which is helping.

I guess my point is that I think it's great that you're planning goals and scheduling a path for the year.  I'd just recommend taking a step back and making sure that a full media detox isn't too much at once along with sleeping right, exercising 3 times a week and eating a balanced diet and cleaning and organizing.  You're basically taking it all on at once.  :-)  If you can do it then please email me the formula because I'm totally jealous.  Otherwise, scale it back a bit so that you're not setting yourself up for failure.  After all we're not doing this on a tv show where they have dedicated resources and time.

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box now.  :-)  Good for you in general.  I can't really tackle the MD right now because I'm working on getting healthy physically.  I can only take on so much at once.  But I think that it's great that you're working toward it if its something that you want for yourself.  Please keep us updated on your progress.

Happy New Year! 

Roger I hope that you'll also provide some accountability! The only people who know of all of this are wild minders... So I'm counting on you to tell me off, if I slip up :) 

Roger Lyda said:

Having some level of accountability and encouragement  is vital to making these changes. I hope to be able to provide some of the encouragement and look forward to following your progress.

Jan 1, first thank you guys for the support. The day has been productive, between 2pm and 10pm, I've cleaned the majority of my apartment and cooked all my meals (mon-thurs). I've only taken breaks for food and MD was a big help today. I'm going to get more into detail about that, but right now I really need to sleep... 

I read on another post by you that you were going to try to be more like your MD persona in real life, and more like your real self in your DD's.  At least I think that was what you said.  I have been pondering that all day.  I agree with doing this a little at a time, so I am thinking about one thing I would change.  It is very difficult.  I have already merged them in some ways - the easier ways, like going brunette - so what's left is harder.  It makes so much sense, though.  I am rather excited - and scared - about the whole idea.

Happy New Year.

Yes that was exactly what I meant! Yay Roxanne ;) fusing the DD you with the real world you is a bit scary.... But if you succeed it will be amazing! Awesome that you are now a hot brunette, don't let the other changes scare you. Even if they are big and hard to do!I'm doing some big changes, one baby step at a time.  Join in the fun :) 

roxanne said:

I read on another post by you that you were going to try to be more like your MD persona in real life, and more like your real self in your DD's.  At least I think that was what you said.  I have been pondering that all day.  I agree with doing this a little at a time, so I am thinking about one thing I would change.  It is very difficult.  I have already merged them in some ways - the easier ways, like going brunette - so what's left is harder.  It makes so much sense, though.  I am rather excited - and scared - about the whole idea.

Happy New Year.

Eating healthy, managing sleep and working out... Kinda go hand in hand. They enable or disable each other. Plus their accumulated effect of you feeling better, makes you more motivated to live in a clean, organized home. 
I've taken your advise and prioritized: sleep and food comes first. Then exercise and last cleaning. 
Learning to organize and plan stuff using technology will really be helpful for me...  So that will definitely be a later challenge!

Roger Lyda said:

Lightman, if you need to modify your daily regime because it becomes too much, so be it.  However, what you have described in your initial post does not sound like too much to me. I eat healthy, exercise five or six days a week, I am neat and organized.

I use the computer to make a living and it helps me stay on target with my goals too. It manages my reminders, to do list, schedule, and I use it to track my progress on projects and goals.

Eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis improve your mood, increases confidence; I believe regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and improve the quality of life in many ways.When you begin making progress, you will also see unexpected improvements in all aspects of your life.

I suggest taking a few minutes to prioritize your goals. There will be some days when you will not be able to do everything. Stay on course, keep your mind focused on your objective and don't fall into an all or nothing mindset.

 Jan 2.Yesterday I organized my wardrobe, got all the clutter off my floors, and vacuumed and mopped said floors, I remodeled my apartment, organized and cleaned my kitchen and cooked for the week.  Then I crashed into bed. I still have my bathroom to clean. Also, all the clutter that used to be on my floors, is now on my couch, desk, kitchen table... Not to mention all the heaps of paper and old notes.  But at least I can do a little of it every night. Btw I'm totally counting yesterday's marathon cleaning as a workout!  Today I swung by the gym after work and did 30min interval training on the thread mill and then I went grocery shopping. Funniest thing happened at the store. I was by the cashier loading up my stuff (fruits, veggies and other good for you stuff) and I'm talking and laughing with the cashier because it's in the middle of the swedish winter and I'm wearing shorts! Suddenly the person behind me in the line jumps into the conversation, I turn around and it's one of the VPs at my company (definitely one of the people I need to impress) and she starts laughing with us. Then she pats me on the back and nods to my workout clothes and heaps of greens and says "keep up the good work". It's funny because this is a very common situation for me to dd  about. Ok I'm doing 20 min of sorting clutter and then I'm blissfully off to bed at 9:30pm. Good night :)

Sounds like you are off to an awesome start & such an inspiration.  I was inspired to do some more volunteer work and so am running an on-line group for Weight Watchers.  I want to also get really healthy, taking in all the anti-oxidants I can get, working out regularly and sleeping better.  So this group fit in well and I miss having them.  Thanks for the inspiration.  I am also thinking about how to tone down my DD persona to make her more in line with the real me.  I hate giving up all those extravagant superficial fun things.  Our values and important things are very close, but the endorphin hits come from those other things, I hate to admit.

This is great. I've been trying to give myself small goals as well. Right now I'm going on a sort of Facebook sabbatical and am proud to say I haven't been on for almost two weeks! :) it's my own little media detox, I can't totally give up the Internet right now but cutting back has helped. 

roxanne said:

Sounds like you are off to an awesome start & such an inspiration.  I was inspired to do some more volunteer work and so am running an on-line group for Weight Watchers.  I want to also get really healthy, taking in all the anti-oxidants I can get, working out regularly and sleeping better.  So this group fit in well and I miss having them.  Thanks for the inspiration.  I am also thinking about how to tone down my DD persona to make her more in line with the real me.  I hate giving up all those extravagant superficial fun things.  Our values and important things are very close, but the endorphin hits come from those other things, I hate to admit.

Having Internet access and staying off Facebook.  Elizabeth I'm impressed :) what other goals do you have? 

Elizabeth said:
This is great. I've been trying to give myself small goals as well. Right now I'm going on a sort of Facebook sabbatical and am proud to say I haven't been on for almost two weeks! :) it's my own little media detox, I can't totally give up the Internet right now but cutting back has helped. 

roxanne said:

Sounds like you are off to an awesome start & such an inspiration.  I was inspired to do some more volunteer work and so am running an on-line group for Weight Watchers.  I want to also get really healthy, taking in all the anti-oxidants I can get, working out regularly and sleeping better.  So this group fit in well and I miss having them.  Thanks for the inspiration.  I am also thinking about how to tone down my DD persona to make her more in line with the real me.  I hate giving up all those extravagant superficial fun things.  Our values and important things are very close, but the endorphin hits come from those other things, I hate to admit.

Volunteer work and the WW online group, nice! I totally get what you mean with missing the highs. I'm trying to replace them, it's a bit sluggish... But I do get a high every time I look at my shiny, clean, clutter free hardwood floors.   Maybe it's like the different highs you get from eating sugar and eating fruit... It's slower and more subtle, but it builds up...? 

roxanne said:

Sounds like you are off to an awesome start & such an inspiration.  I was inspired to do some more volunteer work and so am running an on-line group for Weight Watchers.  I want to also get really healthy, taking in all the anti-oxidants I can get, working out regularly and sleeping better.  So this group fit in well and I miss having them.  Thanks for the inspiration.  I am also thinking about how to tone down my DD persona to make her more in line with the real me.  I hate giving up all those extravagant superficial fun things.  Our values and important things are very close, but the endorphin hits come from those other things, I hate to admit.


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