I too found this on Yahoo, and to my amazment am at ease knowing there are more out there like me. This has been plaguing me since I can remember and I am now 31.
School was very difficult for me and as a matter of fact I had to get me GED because I couldn't come out of my dreams long enough to focus and learn what was going on. Once I got my GED I went out and got a job, and then another, and then another ...... I can't tell you how many I've had. I've done everything from working at a restraunt to an airport to an engineering firm. I have changed jobs so many times because again I couldn't get out of my dreams long enough to continue to learn about the job I had been given. So I would feel stupid for not knowing the things I should at my job, and instead of trying to focus on reality I would just quit and move on to the next. Now I am working at a hospital, the longest job I've ever had (4 years).
I never knew why I did this, until reading the article in Yahoo. Once, I had my daughter I had to learn how to control this constant TV that was consuming my life and help support my family.
I still find my self zoning off at times in my dream land. Fortunatly, I have a window behind my desk so I can take a trip in between meetings.