I hate my real life. I sometimes think that somehow god got it wrong and I was suppose to be born in a different family, different country and maybe even a different time. My dream life is there for me when I need to forget that my real life exists. My family doesn't know about it, nor does anyone else. I put on a front for everyone that I'm so happy but I'm not. The only place where I am happy is in my dream world because in there, everyone loves me, things and life events happen as I want it, no one intentionally hurts me. I'm thankful for my imagination as this 'world' has given me comfort and security that's missing from my current reality. I know its not normal nor is my dream world real but I'll take the comfort of an imagined world over the lack of it in a real world any day...

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I wish my daydream world was true as well.

One of my daydreams that I like going over again and again is that one morning I wake up and find that this life was the dream and the daydream world was real.

I feel I could have written these same words myself. You nailed exactly what I think and feel.

You should probably tell someone about it.

there has to be someone you trust enough that you know will understand your problem.

I've got MD too, but I've learned to appreciate it and accept it as a part of me. We cant change who we are, and people like us need to learn how to use it to our advantage.

Don't let a scientist tell you that you have a problem, all it is, is creativity.

 And that is a thing a Scientist will never understand.

Kay M said:

I wish my daydream world was true as well.

One of my daydreams that I like going over again and again is that one morning I wake up and find that this life was the dream and the daydream world was real.

Me too!
My character has tons of responsibilities and a lot of enemies. She has to fight off alien invasions while also dealing with all the drama of going to a regular high school and taking care of her supergenius younger siblings. BUT (and this is a big but), my character still has a lot to be happy about. She has the kind of family I always wanted. She has friends who are kind, loyal, intelligent, and funny. Her family is really rich as well, but that doesn't really matter, because her friends and family aren't materialistic.
delusions> of normalcy....hahahaha

GM said:
Me too. The life I have in my daydreams would probably seem normal, plain, and boring to most people but it's way better than than my reality. I have delusions of normalcy.

Try to get on better terms with your real life and with reality. Let go of the pressure of being successful and having an amazing career and achieving X, Y and Z. Make your goal in life simply to get on better terms with life. Be at peace with life, don't hate it. After all, wouldn't it be great to be passionate about your daydreams, AND to enjoy life in the real world?

Besides, what is there to hate about life, really? The grandeur of desert canyons? The enchantment of a forest? The sounds of the ocean waves. A scented floral breeze. The bizarre creatures of the deep ocean. The arms of the Milky Way. People are a different story, I realize, but at least be open and present in the parts of the real world that you really admire and enjoy. It would be a loss if you had to be cut off from the splendor of nature, for instance. Just purely as a human being, the appreciation of nature is your birthright!

Reality may suck, but it can and will change, in ways you may never, ever expect. Stay with it and cultivate openness when, where and with whomever you can.

I feel the exact same way. My daydreaming world is my escape and I wish it was real.


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