So--this is probably in an older thread that I could revive, but I wanted to start a new one :0). Feel free to ignore me if you'd rather I just go look it up on my own, haha.


I daydream when I can get free moments by myself. I dance and listen to my ipod while I daydream, using the music as a trigger. This makes it so it is impossible for me to daydream while I'm around others (well, not impossible--its just not as good). On a day when I am absolutely by myself, I will spend 5-6 hours daydreaming and dancing straight. Most days I only get 1-2 hours because my boyfriend works a similar schedule to me (I take daydream lunch breaks). On days I don't get the chance, I find I crave it, and want to do it more the next day.

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I don't daydream as intensely as I use to, so I do it lightly throughout the day. Usually they are just fragments of a larger story brought on by a piece of music and when the music changes, so does the daydream. Once in a while I'll pause and dive more deeply, but I really don't like to because it separates my mind from the real world and I can end up dazed for up to a week. Actually, there's room for me there to start another thread about the experience.


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