First of all, I'm writing this as a payback for this forum and everyone here who helped me diagnose myself. THANK YOU.

I want to make my article as clear and short as possible so you can read easily.

my maladaptive disorder started at an early age because of my dad's VERY strict ways in our upbringing, daydreaming was my getaway. 

Yes I embarrassed myself, MANY PEOPLE SAW ME.

family members, classmates, strangers passing me by, teachers telling my mom "she's like on another planet".

but did that stop me? no. I wanted to stop every year but I always gave myself excuses "life is about being happy, and if this makes me happy why would i stop?"

but let me tell you, BEING CONSCIOUS IS SO MUCH BETTER. 

I decided to put an end to my daydreams once I realized i never had a serious relationship with a guy, can't form feelings towards people and that really sucks, my memories are easily forgotten. thats because i was so obsorbed in my imaginary world, not living in the real world.

anyway, here are the steps i took to stop it.


I stopped my mind from wandering when I'm socializing with people. whether having family dinner or hanging out with friends, every time I catch my mind thinking of  something else, i stop it.

you'll improve with practice. after like a month I went for step 2 & 3.


my trigger was music. so i didnt allow myself to wear my headphones or listen to music while driving.


this step was the turning point in my plan. every time i'd act out or have facial expression for my daydreams, i immediately stop myself and note it down. 

I allowed myself to have ONLY inner conversations in my head with no facial expressions (necessary conversations only if needed)

I noticed that each day the number of daydreams reduce until i reach day 9 and 10 where i didnt daydream at all. 

and at that time my mind was in control even around music. i shut down all the imaginary thoughts immediately it's like my mind is monitoring itself.

and now I feel like I'm no more numb. I can feel fear and joy AND I CAN REMEMBER.

I allow myself to daydream in bedtime under the covers and talk to myself while in the bathroom (if i want to practice a conversation only). i live in the moment now and it's such a beautiful feeling to be in control of yourself. 

I pray for each one of you to get rid of this numbness if you really want to.

you just need a strong will.

thank you all again for this forum 

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Thank you for sharing Roro!


I have experimented with the same exact steps as you have cured yourself. Unfortunately I have made it as far as you a couple of times but fell back into old habits. Sometimes life sucks really badly and I have not yet found another way to successfully cope with these issues.


There is also one particular sentence in your post that really moved me: “I can feel fear and joy AND I CAN REMEMBER.” You are right, it feels amazing to be able to feel all these feelings on a deeper emotional level and to actually remember stuff for a long time!

sometimes life sucks for everybody not just you, even Beyonce goes through tough days sometimes so dont give yourself ridiculous excuses.

think of your future, are you going to DD and act it out even when you're with your partner and kids around you?

it's a nice feeling to be conscious, my friends always joked about me having Alzheimer and having a memory of a gold fish. it's war actually because my mind was absent most of the time i dont focus on anything 

i had to stop it and do something about it

try to kill your imaginary audience maybe that will help 

Jui said:

Thank you for sharing Roro!


I have experimented with the same exact steps as you have cured yourself. Unfortunately I have made it as far as you a couple of times but fell back into old habits. Sometimes life sucks really badly and I have not yet found another way to successfully cope with these issues.


There is also one particular sentence in your post that really moved me: “I can feel fear and joy AND I CAN REMEMBER.” You are right, it feels amazing to be able to feel all these feelings on a deeper emotional level and to actually remember stuff for a long time!


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