a symptom of maladaptive daydreaming is to created an idealised version of ourselves, the two characters I have created are homicidal and exhibit anarchic tendencies and are all round psychologically unstable but are actually nice people I'm wondering if this could mean anything
when I started my story it was so colourful and happy after so many years I tweaked changed and completely threw out concepts till it evolved into my first character being an android who was once a man wearing a riding hood with darkness covering his face if he had one and the darkness allowing no light in he would kill a police officer in cold blood if he was pulled over by one for speeding while my other character can respawn after he is killed but it is incredibly painful and after so many deaths he disappears to a random place with absolutely no memory of the life he lived surely this equates to something if it started out as cute alien squirrels fight robot s to murder and eternal suffering if you like I could tell the characters backstories