Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Today was one of those many days that I daydreamed from the moment I woke up 'till late at evening. I'm 22 and it’s been like this since I can remember, I think it
started when I was about 12 or 13. I never knew what it was, I just found out
about if 10 minutes ago that I have maladaptive daydreamers disorder. Today
after I took a shower I decided to google about this, and see if there are
other people that are like me. I have to say I'm still in shock to realize I'm not
the only one. I'm glad that there is a group like this, so I can talk about it
to someone, because I have a feeling if I ever tell this to anyone at home they
are going to laugh at me and think I'm crazy. I read about the symptom and it’s
creepy how accurate they are. I think my trigger is music, because most of the
time when I start listening to it I start daydreaming and I can’t stop. I sometimes,
repeat the same scenario over and over and time passes without me even
realizing. It happens also when I read books or watch a movie. I noticed when I
do this I, I now it’s going to sound stupid, but I always drink water from the
bottle or walk around the room. I read that those are repetitive movements that are also one of the symptoms. The other thing is that I sometimes talk to myself make hand gestures, or make facial expressions as I daydream.That can look so stupid when I drive with my bike while I’m listening to music. I’m so happy that I’m not the only one that is experiencing this and that I know now that there is something is wrong with me. I hope you can help me with some advices how to cope with this because I can’t do this anymore. I should be studying because I have exams in 10 days and I just can’t waste my time to lie on my bed and do this.
I few weeks ago I wrote this quote down on my paper; I got so good at avoiding life that I forgot how to live. I don’t want my life to go away like that; I want to live
in the real world not in a fantasy world that doesn’t exist. Thank you so much for
reading this; you cannot believe how good it feels to finally tell about this
to someone.
And I apologize for any grammatical mistakes; English is not my native language.
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