I am so happy I found these sites! I seriously thought I was nuts and was the only person in the world who had this (didn't even know what it was called). My MD started many many many years ago probably when I was about 9 years old (I am 26 now). IT JUST STARTED I don't know why but one day it just hit me. This is so embarrassing and I have NEVER told anyone not even my husband about this. Ok here goes........Backstreet Boys. I would day dream that they came over to my house and got home from school and there they were! In my day dreams I was so awesome and loved by celebs and musicians.... pretty much everyone. Then as I got older the MD just got more and more intense and vivid. I would do this everywhere and anywhere. Movies and music are what triggers my MD. I went from having famous parents to famous best friends and boyfriends/husbands. When I was younger it was ok for ME to be a part of my day dreams but for a long time now I have created someone else in my mind. A girl who is my age super famous, actress and in a band, rich, beautiful, good heart, and build on this character daily. Whoever I like (celebs or musicians) at the time they are her friends. They love her. I guess I dont see myself as really any of these things so it's a lot easier to use her as my character. Some of the things that happen in my real life kind of add to the scenario in my day dreams. I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and so did my MD character. I feel like I do have a problem though because since my MD is so vivid and today I did a little test on myself to see how many times I would start day dreaming and I lost count. Everything nowadays triggers me. I feel like it is taking over my life because I want my fantasies to be real so badly..... lets face it....it is awesome when you can make anyone and anything come alive in your mind. I have a great REAL life and I feel like I am wasting it because of these day dreams. I have two healthy, beautiful kids a great husband, but in my MDD's my character is who I want to be and then once I am done with the daydreams it is back to reality. I feel depressed and guilty at the same time. The real problem is I just have to stop this already but I have been doing it for so long that I don't know how to.

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You can try writing your fantasies as a novel. Or try to stick to a daily routine and limit your MD to a certain time of the day as a reward.

Writing a novel that is a really good idea :) Thank you. I want to just stop it cold turkey. I don't know how well that is going to play out but I am going to try :D

tarso said:

You can try writing your fantasies as a novel. Or try to stick to a daily routine and limit your MD to a certain time of the day as a reward.

 I seriously thought I was nuts and was the only person in the world who had this

I bet that excessive DDing will end up being way more common than most would think. Now that you know you are not alone try making a game of spotting other DDers when out and about.  

By all means give cold turkey a try. But if you fall of the wagon, fall back to what tarso is talking about rather than all the way back.

I totally fell off the wagon. This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I don't even know where I would start if I started writing about it. I started doing this so long ago I don't remember all of the beginning just little bits.

Shadow Cat Sam said:

 I seriously thought I was nuts and was the only person in the world who had this

I bet that excessive DDing will end up being way more common than most would think. Now that you know you are not alone try making a game of spotting other DDers when out and about.  

By all means give cold turkey a try. But if you fall of the wagon, fall back to what tarso is talking about rather than all the way back.

Your story reminds me much of my own. I also started when I was 9, I am married too and I have three children (two of them are already grown-up). I'am 47 years right now. In all these years I could never just stop it, although I hated escaping from my real life. When I couldn't daydream for hours, because I was together with other people, I was so exhausted, that afterwards I had to lay down and sleep or dd.

But: five years ago it stopped for several months. I wanted to overcome my fear of life and tried t0 remember my childhood and my relation with my parents. I am an only child and I always felt lonely. So I tried to feel what I felt when I was a little child and accept these feelings of fear and lonelyness. When I was a little girl, I depended on my parents - now that I am a woman, I can help this little girl. I had weeks of crying, but I didn't escape into daydreaming. After these weeks of crying I could also forgive my parents, because they are humans and they make mistakes like all humans. After ten months I thought I was cured from daydreaming.

But: at this time I got severe problems with my mother, she was manic-depressive and very difficult. Daydreaming came back like before. I was devastated that I couldn't handle this situation.

Now my daydreams show me how I feel. When I don't feel well they come very often, when I have a good and relaxed time with my family or other people they stop for some hours.

You are younger than I am. Maybe you should try this accept-your-feelings-therapy. I also read books from Alice Miller, who was a polnish/swiss psychiatrist. She is looking especially on early childhood.

I whish you all the best - you can be a good mother and wife even with dding.

Thank you for sharing :) I am trying my best to suppress that urge to DD but it is all I know and everything is a trigger for me. That is my goal even if I cannot stop my MD is to be a good mother and wife :)

Iris said:

Your story reminds me much of my own. I also started when I was 9, I am married too and I have three children (two of them are already grown-up). I'am 47 years right now. In all these years I could never just stop it, although I hated escaping from my real life. When I couldn't daydream for hours, because I was together with other people, I was so exhausted, that afterwards I had to lay down and sleep or dd.

But: five years ago it stopped for several months. I wanted to overcome my fear of life and tried t0 remember my childhood and my relation with my parents. I am an only child and I always felt lonely. So I tried to feel what I felt when I was a little child and accept these feelings of fear and lonelyness. When I was a little girl, I depended on my parents - now that I am a woman, I can help this little girl. I had weeks of crying, but I didn't escape into daydreaming. After these weeks of crying I could also forgive my parents, because they are humans and they make mistakes like all humans. After ten months I thought I was cured from daydreaming.

But: at this time I got severe problems with my mother, she was manic-depressive and very difficult. Daydreaming came back like before. I was devastated that I couldn't handle this situation.

Now my daydreams show me how I feel. When I don't feel well they come very often, when I have a good and relaxed time with my family or other people they stop for some hours.

You are younger than I am. Maybe you should try this accept-your-feelings-therapy. I also read books from Alice Miller, who was a polnish/swiss psychiatrist. She is looking especially on early childhood.

I whish you all the best - you can be a good mother and wife even with dding.

I can relate. I was 14 when I started. I am 24 now. For me it was creating alternate endings to the third and fourth harry potter books. I have no idea why I started either. I just did. Harry Potter and music triggers me the most. The problem? I'm not willing to give either up. I love listening to music and I love Harry Potter.

Well music is my number 1 trigger but i'm also triggered by, well..jealousy. Especially of super-beautiful people.

Yeah it is like if you want to stop the DD's then you have to give up everything you love (which is usually a trigger). I just keep getting sucked into them because I am so used to it. There is no way that I could stop listening to music or watching movies/tv. It's just not gonna happen lol.

Bethany said:

I can relate. I was 14 when I started. I am 24 now. For me it was creating alternate endings to the third and fourth harry potter books. I have no idea why I started either. I just did. Harry Potter and music triggers me the most. The problem? I'm not willing to give either up. I love listening to music and I love Harry Potter.

I know what you mean. If I become jealous of someone like a good looking celeb then I usually incorporate her into one of my characters friends in my DD's. It actually helps a lot because my main character will always be better looking (in my mind at least) than anyone else. Music has always been my number 1 trigger as well. And like I said to Bethany.... there is just no way to stop all of that. 

Andromeda said:

Well music is my number 1 trigger but i'm also triggered by, well..jealousy. Especially of super-beautiful people.

I also feel depressed when I stop the MDD


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