I myself find thats its so hard to concentrate that I ironically cant even do the things i once loved so much like draw and write (in a journal or my own stoires at times) ....its even hard for me to clean my room or face some things in life...what about you?
My apartment is a mess because I can't focus or stay alert enough to clean it. Everything is a huge task that takes forever. It doesn't matter if I'm actually in my fantasy world or not. All I want to do is stare off into space. I'm completely dazed 100% of the time. I've written a few stories for class, but I don't expect to write any more. I just walk through life dazed and indifferent. So yeah, I understand. Lots of people have tried to write stories. Some have success if they can focus enough. It's too hard for me to focus unless I really have to.
I don't write like I used to - I am a perfectionist and cannot just let go. I have thought of writing my fantasy world into a big novel but it is way too complex to do so.
I am trying to write a story online based on one of my former daydreams but only with a similar situation and similar characters, not what actually happened in my DDs. I quite like drawing, although for some reason at the moment I get inspirational phrases (e.g. life's not about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain) and draw pictures to go with them a lot lately.
I couldn't draw anything to do with my MD, or write anything. I once tried to write a poem about my MD but I made a note of the title (It's not love, it's not lies, why I can't sleep) and my best friend found it! I was so embarrassed but I told her I just wrote down a random thing that I thought of because to people who know me I am well known for being a complete weirdo so she believed me. Phew *wipes sweat from forehead*
I do write quite a lot of poems, but most of them are about depression - luckily I'm not depressed anymore :)
which is weird because I just got dumped today so I shouldn't feel happy but I do