I incorporate lots of people into my DD. Sometimes it's family. Usually, my DDs are pretty happy with the occasional bit of drama. Nothing too sad though. Then occasionally, I have to kill someone, or make them stricken with cancer. Or insert some other random but pretty dire drama in there. For example, (this sounds so horrible, so no judgement please) my dad will be hit by a car and then the DD will deal with the outcome of that.
Sometimes, horrible things happen to me too. But when it's someone I actually know, I find myself feeling bad about it when I see them again. And even in some irrational way, I'm afraid that by thinking that thought, it will possibly come true. I know this COMPLETELY irrational. I have actually gotten to where I avoid weaving my family and friends in my DDs because of this.
What I wonder about is, does anyone else ever feel guilty for something they created in a DD? This is more for my own curiosity than anything else.