I know some people like daydreaming, but are there any of you out there who wish to get rid of it and just live a normal life? And are there any of you who had it in the past but successfully got rid of it? Please share your stories.

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yes. I just read a forum post today, a different site, people commenting on it being a gift. It upset me so much. Well their "gift" might have been sunshine and roses but the MD I got is a box of poisonous snakes. It feels like it is killing me. Destroying my relationships, impacting my ability to do my job, making me hate myself and my exsistance. Yes, I want to get rid of MD and to be real again.

 Have you tried DDing about real stuff instead of your fantasies? Because I know that helps for me. Sort of like replacing your usual DDs with ones that can benefit you in reality.
greyartist said:

yes. I just read a forum post today, a different site, people commenting on it being a gift. It upset me so much. Well their "gift" might have been sunshine and roses but the MD I got is a box of poisonous snakes. It feels like it is killing me. Destroying my relationships, impacting my ability to do my job, making me hate myself and my exsistance. Yes, I want to get rid of MD and to be real again.

yes, but it doesn't work. I don't have control over the DDs at all, I try to bring a certain scene up, it is just replaced with the images from this other story. Like being tied to a chair and forced to watch a movie. I don't start them, can't stop them. Them come and go as they please.

@greyartist, u said you r poisoned? Are your dd positive or negative?
greyartist said:

yes. I just read a forum post today, a different site, people commenting on it being a gift. It upset me so much. Well their "gift" might have been sunshine and roses but the MD I got is a box of poisonous snakes. It feels like it is killing me. Destroying my relationships, impacting my ability to do my job, making me hate myself and my exsistance. Yes, I want to get rid of MD and to be real again.

Hey LeAnn, when say think about real stuff what do you mean? Like goals are plans? Can you more specific. I'm trying to get all the help I can.
LeAnn Marcum said:

 Have you tried DDing about real stuff instead of your fantasies? Because I know that helps for me. Sort of like replacing your usual DDs with ones that can benefit you in reality.
greyartist said:

yes. I just read a forum post today, a different site, people commenting on it being a gift. It upset me so much. Well their "gift" might have been sunshine and roses but the MD I got is a box of poisonous snakes. It feels like it is killing me. Destroying my relationships, impacting my ability to do my job, making me hate myself and my exsistance. Yes, I want to get rid of MD and to be real again.

Everyday, I wish that I could get rid of my MDD. I have it severely, and it is so difficult to deal with. It is a nightmare, a trap. I DD compulsively. I started it as a fun thing to do, but I never imagined it would become the nightmare that it is today. I can hardly keep friends because I would rather be in my fantasy world than the real world. MDD has made me waste away the last five years of my life. I have been struggling it and fighting it. It is not a simple escape for me, it is quite the opposite. It is a cage, a nightmare that never ends. I can't control when I DD and when I don't. Often, my DDs are dark, and sorrowful. When they are happy and joyful, I enjoy them but when I "wake up" as I like to call it, I am even more depressed because I realize that I will never have those things. My life will never be as fulfilling as that.


If I could instantly make my MDD go away, I certainly would. I am so tired of the constant fighting it, the constant fear that I will slip into a DD and never come out. MDD makes me empty and hollow inside. It makes me numb, the only time I feel actual emotions is in a DD. My MDD is a nightmare, a cage.

I started cutting in August, to stop MDD. It works wonderfully, the pain and blood jerks me back into the real world. But cutting just became another trap. I just replaced one addiction with another. I can't stop cutting without MDD, and I can't stop DD without cutting. It's an endless cycle for me, switching back and forth between MDD and cutting. Never start cutting, it is a nightmare.

Teagan Heart said:

@greyartist, u said you r poisoned? Are your dd positive or negative?

Mostly negative, at least always a negative part, usually  times of weeping I have to try to hide and stress about the story. Can't stop it though.

I can't imagine life without it, so no, I don't want to get rid of it.

If you think about it in a different way- it is quite enjoyable. You just have to learn to use it correctly. For example, I try to solve my personal problems using daydreaming, or I use it as an artistic inspiration plan: what to draw, write, etc.

Good luck!

-Black Diamond


Black Diamond said:

I can't imagine life without it, so no, I don't want to get rid of it.

If you think about it in a different way- it is quite enjoyable. You just have to learn to use it correctly. For example, I try to solve my personal problems using daydreaming, or I use it as an artistic inspiration plan: what to draw, write, etc.

Good luck!

-Black Diamond

yes i have tried ,but i felt like fighting  with  a nature.

u can never stop a raining. 

I was making progress in my mental health when I found Wild Minds. I had battled/struggled with/been crushed by mental illness for many years.  I had finally overcame addiction and was coming out of depression when I noticed the daydreaming. 

I did not research out of desperation and entered with a different perspective than many. I was able to overcome maladaptive daydreaming in a few months. I'm sure it is due, in large part, to other positive changes I made in my life to eliminate addiction and depression.  So, I don't always relate to other folks and their perspective.

My most recent bout with depression lasted about a week, I think. It was several months ago.

Folks who overcome severe, treatment resistant depression attain an appreciation and happiness in life that most folks don't realize is possible. The bouts of depression come around, even years after coming out of the depression. But, I am starting to think they eventually stop altogether. It has been almost a year since experiencing any depression that lasted for days. I continued going through my daily routine and dropped to about 29% productive one day (I monitor my productivity and am highly list driven). Anyway...

My mental health continues to improve.

I kind of do. Mostly I just want to take control of it, so I can concentrate better and so I can at least sometimes do things besides DDing (and being on the computer. Besides that I like this machine all too much, if I wan to daydream and can't because someone's in the house and might see me just sitting and doing nothing, I hop on here.) but I still like it. I think I've accepted that, although the characters aren't real, they have had an impact on my life, and I consider the characters friends and hell, if something bad, scary or confusing happens, or something emotional, the daydreaming can help. Talking things through with the characters, and repeating and slightly changing conversations and a word or phrase gives me a sudden understanding of said things. Also, though I've had fleeting thoughts on this, and not thought too deeply, (yet) I think it could help me deal with stressful situations and just general emotions. I could probably do a really messy ramble here, but if I do a ramble, maybe it ought to be in it's own blog.

And if that was TL;DR for anyone, just look at the first four words.


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