Dealing with anger and conflict through daydreaming (first post)

I daydream a lot about situation where I speak up when I'm being offended or treated wrong. I find it therapeutic. It helps me move forward. In the past I was really shy and I didn't speak up for myself and this is what I would do to cope and deal with it, get it over with. I also read an article, can't remember where I read it, but it said that daydreaming can really help with dealing with things like these and help with problem solving. So don't see daydreaming as only a bad thing. I do understand that it's a problem when it consumes your every waking moment. Today I'm more confident and outspoken so I rarely daydream about having to speak up. I do daydream about a lot of other things which is nice. 

So I'm asking you if you've found help in daydreaming when dealing with anger and conflict, as mentioned in the title of this post, or with other things?

XOXO Senna

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Whatever works for you. I'm more outspoken these days but back in the day it really helped me. Now I don't really give a f about what people think.

XOXO Senna


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