soo i just had a random thought......what do non-MD'ers think about??

like, i spend most of my time DD'ing , but for those who dont....what do they think about instead?? i cant imagine being able to fill my thoughts for hours on end, with stuff that doesnt involve my imaginary world ...they must get bored lol. sometimes i just cant comprehend how people go without dd'ing :\ its just such a normal thing for me, and has been since i can remember!

im not sure if any of what i just said makes sense, but for those of you that get it, what do u think??

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I think most people daydream at least a little bit, it's just not an addiction to them.


Most children daydream, and as they get older they stop and slowly break the habit. We never did.


I think the best way to describe "average thinking" is thinking in the moment. And I know what you mean about getting bored. With MD'ers our imaginations have been our life and our source of entertainment and emotion. When we try to fill our brains with little things that are more simple, it can feel forced and fake at first, but I think you can get into the habit of it if you try. When I'm trying to think in the moment and not zone out or get bored I usually observe the things and people around me very lightly and think STUPID things like "That's a chair. He has brown hair. This is a pencil" etc. But I do it on purpose, to refrain from DD'ing.


You have to get comfortable enough with who you are to be able to think "average". But honestly who would want to be all the way average? I think balance is key.


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