Adult child of (likely) MDer mother looking for insight.

Hello everyone!


I found this site from revolution health. I first want to admire all of your courage for being so candid. What kept me reading for page after page on revolution health was how accurately many of the descriptions fit my mother, who passed away 13 years ago. 


My mother was often spaced-out and would be irritated if 'aroused' from her state. She was continually lethargic at home, but could get dressed up and be very social for 2-3 hours. However, after that, she would have to 'rest' for extended periods of time. 


She was hypersensitive to everything imaginable: sounds, smells, images, etc. Although my mother invested very little into her life, she expected great rewards and was devastated when they didn't materialize.


When things were bad, my mother would literally lie down in the middle of the floor - at our house or even at her parents' house. She would also engage in what she called 'uplifts', like turning on the music and dancing while staring at the ceiling. Even as a child, it seemed to me like she was putting herself into a trance.


Most of all, my mother would frequently say things that were, well, lies. 


However, from the posts I read, I don't think she was trying to be deceitful. I think she was telling the story of her fantasy: a fairy tale world where she was the perfect mom and she had the perfect husband and perfect children. There were no worries about money, and life never presented any challenges that were morally ambiguous. 


I've read about personality disorders and being on the schizophrenia spectrum, but none of those seemed quite right. It's always seemed like they were almost there, but just a little off. MD seems spot on. 


From the very brief description above, does the idea that my mom had some form of severe MD resonate? Or am I still off track?


Any info would help. 





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Hi Nicola,

Just want to clarify - when I wrote 'I'm not saying that's right.', I meant that I'm not saying that MD is actually like the movie. It just seemed similar to me.

When I re-read my post, I realized I wasn't as clear as I could have been.    

- Avery



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