margo mitchell
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At 6:08am on March 10, 2025, Callan Gershom said…

Good day,
I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it is necessary for me to write to you immediately. I have something very important to discuss with you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for full details
Best regards,
Callan Gershom.

At 10:42am on April 21, 2011, Jane Wilson said…
Margo I sent you an email please let me know if you got it.  Thanks!
At 7:49am on April 20, 2011, Jane Wilson said…

I was able to remove what was a scareware program that hijacked my computer so it wasn't as bad as I had feared.  I will send you my email when I get to my home computer in about 6 hours or so.  My number one rule is never fantasize about people you interact with in real life.  Or actual people, example, I might have a story invovling "Spock of Star Trek" but never Leonard Nimoy.  I do not even collect autographs.  Which is very different from thinking about what you will say to someone you are going to actually talk to. 

I think at heart I am just a lazy writer.  I have whole novels in my head but know if I try to write them down and make them understandable, there will be much work needed.  Especially descriptions and that little problem of making the different characters have different voices?  Yet at the same time such elaborate story lines are not exactly the fantasies.  Fantasies often touch on the vunerable spots of our souls, who can bare to share that with "the public?".  But I can still make a good story without going there.    The novel I have written has at least 3 sequels in the storyline but when I ran into a road block, I became discouraged.  It isn't about getting a publishers recognition since writing to please editors or what is in style while a great way to attempt to earn a living is not my goal.  I simply wrote a book I wanted to read.  I wanted to e-publish it but feel without  a cover that expresses how interesting the book is, it would be a waste of time.  After all when I have been looking at books to read , if I do not know the author it is the cover that causes me to pick it up and read the blurb on the inside cover.  Then I might buy it.  I know in our group there are many potential stories writers out there.  I wonder if there is every artists with this problem.  

At 5:02am on April 19, 2011, Jane Wilson said…
Sure I will be happy to talk to you.  Yesterday my computer was completely hosed by a virus that supresses antivirus software so for the moment I do not have access to my email or I would just say email me.  I do not know how long it will take for me to resolve this issue on my computer.  I can type some stuff on breaks at work to my thread here (there is no access to personal email).  So if you message me or write me there may be a delay in my response but I would really be happy to talk to you.

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